In the case of Wildlife Exploitation Preserve, what is better to farm them on? Doctor’s orders -or- Wildlife Preservation (story mission)
You don’t need Doctor’s Orders to be active, just uncompleted. Just make sure that you don’t pick up any of the Echoes, as they will influence the amount of midgets you get from the boxes. Usually, the amount of Echoes you have left is the amount of midgets you’ll get. The story mission does absolutely nothing, so you can go ahead and complete that one.
Does the previously mentioned advantages stack if you have both?
Having Doctor’s Orders unfinished guarantees the midgets will spawn from the cardboard boxes. Having the mission Animal Rights open will make sure that you have less enemies to deal with while farming, but it has no effect whatsoever on the midgets.
Is it true that loot midgets won’t spawn or “find it difficult to do so” if there are many enemies left alive in the area
From my experience, no.
Do you have to kill the badass skags first in order to get loot midgets from the boxes in Wildlife Exploitation Preserve (regardless of the previous)
No. I completely ignore the skags most of the time and I still get all of the midgets to spawn just the same.
Does it matter or is there a problem if you go all the way to Bloodwing in the observation wing instead of just save and quit?
As long as you don’t pick up the Echoes and don’t turn Doctor’s Orders in, you can go anywhere you want. It will be just the same once you save and quit.
Is it better to farm for legendary class mods from them instead of chubby enemies?
Tubbies drop exclusive class mods. Midgets only drop the original ones (Legendary Soldier, Legendary Siren, Legendary Psycho, etc.). Personally, I rather farm the loot train for those class mods. To me, the train seems to have a higher chance for class mods than the midgets.
Can they spawn inside the creature slaughter annex?
I have no idea, but if they can, it must be pretty rare. Never saw one in there. However, make sure to open containers throughout the rest of the Preserve while farming the four boxes. They seem to have a high chance of spawning anywhere in the WEP.
They can spawn out of waste piles… right?
Is it big the difference between 4 players instead of 1?
I honestly have no idea.
Where are they completely unable to spawn?
Sanctuary, I think. It’s just a lot easier to say where they do spawn.