It has been nearly 3 years since release of this game, so it is about time I share the build I run, maybe not optimal but it works well on LVL72 & OP8 when it comes to mobbing. No pre-stacking needed, and only 2 sources for Slag are used.
First things first:
Do you like doing shock damage, tons of it?
Do you think that accuracy can “suck it”?
Don’t mind some help from a somewhat derpy robot that can dish quite a bit of damage?
A Gaige build that does not require pre-stacking?
If the answer to all 4 is yes, you’re at the right place.
Close Enough 5/5: Compensating for the accuracy loss, mainly on the main weapon.
The Better Half 5/5: Pretty large firerate bonus, which is hugely beneficial for half the load out.
Upshot Robot 1/1: More DT to help in the field, nice little bonus to melee damage aswell, benefits both DT and WC.
Unstoppable Force 8/5: Excellent shield related skill when BSS doesn’t cut it, nice movement boost aswell to get in someone’s face and proc BSS again.
More Pep 3/5: Bugged but every bit counts to proc things more often, everything over 3 points is redundant.
Myelin 10/5: By far my personaly favorite defensive skill, shield cap does not do that much but the 60% shock resistance is a huge help.
Strength Of 5 Gorillas 7/5: DT scales with the Op levels so more than 2 points are redundant with the COM we’ll be using
Shock and Agh! 1/1: Act as a Tesla grenade!
Electrical Burn 5/5: Free burn damage by doing what this build is made for, not the biggest damage boost but it does help.
Wires Don’t Talk 5/5: More shock damage and it benefits from Anarchy.
Interspersed Outburst 5/5: Free slag, too much RNG behind it but when it kicks it it’ll allow you to hit harder, the reason why MP has 3 points.
Make It Sparkle 1/1: Imbuing DT with the power of the elements? Why not, cuts down on shields really fast.
Smaller, Lighter Faster 9/4: Essential to go deeper into this tree, but still something that comes in handy.
Anarchy 1/1: Main damage dealer.
Preshrunk Cyberpunk: 2/5: Getting the ideal stack cap of 250 (~300% damage boost without the accuracy loss being too bad).
Robot Rampage 1/1: New toy for DT, increases his melee damage in bursts.
Blood Soaked Shields 5/5: Another defensive skill, 5% health loss on kill gets easily compensated.
Discord 1/1: Emergency health regen and getting a huge firerate boost when it is nescecary.
Typecast Iconoclast 10/5: Faster anarchy stack gain.
Rational Anarchist 1/1: Bit of a damage boost on our first reload/kill, every bit helps.
Nth Degree 5/5: Hugely beneficial for multi-pellet weapons, CE and high firerate guns.
With Claws 1/1: Only occasionally used, but gives decent damage on slagged enemies, and it provides some health regen.
The gear:
Lots of multipellet gear, to increase the benefits of CE and Nth degree:
Emperor, the SMG that wants to be an AR, stable 5 round burst and good DPS when handled correctly.
Kitten: Another source for healing, but without losing to much DPS.
-Alternative: Hail, where the Kitten is more of a shotgun, the Hail shoots in a arc, giving it a steeper learning curve. The extra crit damage is hugely beneficial for CE once again.
Twister: Jakobs quad that does shock damage, best from both worlds. Fixed spread negates the downside of Anarchy.
-Alternative: Conference Call, more DPS, and the CC spits so much lead that Nth degree has a field day. Arguebly easier to get your hands on than a Twister.
Veruc: The AR that wants to be a shotgun, where for other VH’s it would be better to have the Minigun, Gaige gets exceptional use out of this purple-coloured assault rifle.
-Alternative:Tattler: Closest thing to a Anarchy this game has, W/C benefits from the blade, BH likes the huge mag. Or:
Bone Shredder (not guarantied bladed, less ammo effecient).
Backpack gear (stuff that gets occasionally used for specific encounters):
Pimpernel/Pitchfork : For some bosses, (large) flying enemies and all Constructors. Both benefit from Nth degree (one more than the other), making it a hard hitter against bosses. Pimpernel requires knowing the sweetspot (which Anarchy makes it harder to do so), Pitchfork eats ammo for breakfast.
Bekah: The weapon for ranged encounters, arguably one of the most powerfull rifles in the game, downside is that it cannot be elemental. But works well against the occasional enemy that resist shock damage, which negates the weakpoint of this build.
Shield: Blockade, the Anshin that takes damage reduction in a diffirent way. Over 30% DR makes sure that Gaige can tank damage. Combined with BSS you will be sure to last long.
-Alternative: Black Hole, not nescecarely used for it’s damage, rather for the fact that it brings enemies in range. Makes Gaige more fragile but it allows enemies to be within optimal range.
Grenade: Your prefered method to slag enemies: Crossfire, Magic Missile, etc.
Class Mod: Legendary Anarchist, the almost ideal combination of skills in one single lunchbox, only COM that boosts Myelin.
Relic: Shock Bone Of The Ancients: More shock damage and a nice cut to the cooldown rate, which means more DT
Usefull links (might happen that more will be added in the future):
List of prefixes, and what grips do
DDD: Min-maxing your gear
-Personal note: on Gaige I would personally recommend sights that don’t zoom in that much, I.E. Vladof, Dahl, Torgue, or none where possible.
Notes/To do:
-Not sure how well it works against raids, but feel free to give it a shot. However, for this purpose there are better builds.
Anyway, wanted to share how I’ve been running the Mechromancer on OP8, and show that LBT is a viable skilltree, even on OP8.