Fancy ClapTrap Pendant

Just joined this cosy club of crazy ones and have some older Fanart to share - in this case my approach on a ClapTrap as 3D Pendant, which I was comissioned to sculpt in 2014.
He´s completly handsculpted by me from polymerclay and painted with Citadel-Colors.
His eye is the specialty - its real 1,4ct Emerald!

For its already a year old while my sculpting skills have risen, I think I´ll craft another ClapTrap soon. Or other Vaulthunters?
So far I made ClapTrap, Zer0, Krieg and Jack - any ideas who should come next?

Anyway, thanks for looking :slight_smile:


Looks great and you nailed the Hyperion yellow color which is not as easy as some may think.

I think an Athena one might be cool to see.

Thanks alot! Indeed, the Hyperion yellow-orange they used for ClapTrap is a horror to mix, I had to paint him three times because it dried to a darker orange than intendet ToT so I´m very happy to hear that it looks original^^
Ohhh, yes! Athena is top on my list, may start her after I painted the commisioned Handsome Jack.
Since I´m also commissioned for a second Aspis I may post a Aspis-Tutorial the next weeks too, so Athena-fanmonth for September=D

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that’s terrific - good work

Thank you very much!

Mordecai, definitely Mordecai!

Second on my list right after Athena^^ Mordi was my mainchar in BL1 and until now I have´nt time to honor him with a fanart.

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