Best Ways to Level Up After UVHM

So I’ve been thinking…what are your favourite ways to level up after beating the Sentinel in UVHM? I’ve found that RedBelly is a good one - twice the EXP of RK5. - a video of me running RedBelly, at level 60 or so they give over 10k each which is possibly the quickest way to level in the game.

I’ve always enjoyed R&D runs. Lots of mobbing, with high chances of spawning rabids and their 800-900 EXP apiece (and the low chance of a 2k Tubby), along with multiple red chests, and a run at X-STLK 23 and the Tiny Destroyer.

You too? I love RND - if you go deeper in there’s Torks, which means Dredgers/Sappers/Destroyers, which means Bonus Packages. Shame there’s no way to farm a legendary weapon in RND or it would be PERFECT.

It and the Mario level are my two favorite mobbing areas in the entire game.

I’ve always wondered how many people found the secret part of the Mario level on their own.

I did, purely by accident. And it took me a long time to figure out how to get back to Tycho’s Ribs!

I’m still working my way through UVHM, but I’d like to get to a higher level before tackling the end of the story. Just reached level 57 after completing “Intelligences”. I’ll probably do a few Titan runs, since there’s good mobbing in various areas, you can get at least one levelled Gwen’s Other Head, and the big tork at the end of the first Titan map can drop a legendary grenade mod. The other place I like to run through is actually Outlands Canyon - great place to get tork mobs, and I usually do well for moonstones through there too.

Completing the Badass Round in the Holodome throws off some XP.

Is the Badass Round repeatable?


Too bad the Shock Drop one isn’t, though, as that’s a much more interesting arena IMO.

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Turret Engineer and Guardian Hunter missions 2 easiest ways to power level and farm for BAR.

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Guardian hunter.
Boring, but effective.

Does Guardian Hunter reward 20k+ EXP for 2 minutes of work? I understand you’re presumably killing a guardian every second or two…how much do those give? Like 400 EXP each? Call it 30 guardians a minute, on the safe side. At 400 EXP each, that’s…12,000 per minute. That’s actually pretty fast - and faster if they give more or die quicker.

Maybe I need to check this out.

Suggestions on gear to use? I guess beams or shotguns would probably do best. Something with a deep mag and auto fire.

Yes, that’s exactly what happens and you can rack up BAR points.

You can use any weapon

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Same here. We didn’t even know it existed until we literally stumbled into it.

If you use the guardian mission for xp than use a glitch laser with an error code L4. When the glitch kicks in it auto fires and you can leave your controller alone.

That’s what I thought. I’d have to do the DLC, though, which I’d much rather save for when I’m already 70.

you can always reset your TVHM playthrough to get all rewards again and at level 70

UVHM, you mean. Nah. I’m already 67.

yeah, uvhm