This relic right here has been doing strange things since yesterday…
When I first picked it up it was exactly as shown, with +24% damage and -44.1% Accuracy. I held onto it but was using another Hyperion one that is +26.6% damage only. Last night when I got into the nexus areas I noticed in my backpack that it had changed… from -44.1% accuracy to +44.1% accuracy! (dead serious, not halucinating). So I switched over and started using it (hell yeah!).
Today it was the same +44.1% as I tackled the rest of the badlands and the boneyard… but just now, after completely exiting the game (not just a quit/save… continue), it’s changed back to what it was before. There was never any obvious difference in accuracy when using it and there really should be at that value. Anyone ever seen a bug like this before? Or am I just “lucky” again?
Right after I posted this I fired the game back up to play some more and it was showing +44.1% again. I tried like 6 different times to get a printscreen of it but every one of them came out solid black. This is just too weird lol.
I’m not sure +Max Accuracy is a good thing for Hyperion weapons? Max accuracy is the “widest” that the crosshairs get for that weapon. With Hyperion’s inverse recoil, this is the starting accuracy, which amounts to how wide your first few shots go before they dial in on their actual listed accuracy. If the relic is actually adding to max accuracy, your first few shots go even wider.
Quick test: equip some gun (sniper rifles show this best, I think), and while stationary, note the spread on the crosshairs. Then equip that relic and check again. If the crosshairs are now closer together, max accuracy has been reduced (and the relic is just showing a + sign, but is otherwise still working properly). If the crosshairs are actually further apart, the relic is correctly reporting its glitched status (and it’ll make your Hyperion weapons that much worse).
I tested it like you suggested and it appears to be working by reducing the crosshairs starting point before firing, so thank you for that. I never noticed how it worked because I only ever used it for shotguns, which have a huge crosshair usually. Now all I can do is wait until that number display glitches again and see if it really is just a display thing, or if it does actually affect it’s working. Either way, what a dumb bug