I think my Bee shorted out

For no reason that I can find, Maya’s Bee has begun to constantly beep and buzz when fully charged. Save/quit/reload and a total game restart has not worked. I have not yet tried a different Bee, and that’s about everything I can think to say about it.

Anyone have any idea what’s going on?

I have had this happen when using a very large capacity shield (OP8 Antagonist / OP8 Blockade = ~1.9 million, before bonus from Ward and BAR and ~ 2.6 million after), putting a large number of points into Ward and using a Legendary Siren COM. In fact, it is happening with my current Build. If I equip a lower capacity shield (like The Bee, The Sham, or Hide of Terramorphous), or switch to a different COM that does not boost Ward then the beeping stops. The only way for me to temporarily fix it would be to respec. Respecing, however, isn’t a permanent fix. This is apparently a known issue with very large capacity shields. Why it would be happening with a lower capacity shield like The Bee, however, I can’t explain.

Forum ID: Poisd2Strike
GT: Poisd2Strike
Trades: http://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/t/poisd2strikes-humble-shop/367700
Gun Prefixes | Gun Parts | Max Stats
Maya OP8 | Banshee RR / NRR | Binder | Cat | Nurse | Siren | Trickster B / M

Points into Ward (4/5 before COM) and a Siren COM are both there. I didn’t think to try a different shield, tho…it started up about 5 minutes before I left the game.

If you have a badass rank to spend, try putting a point into shield capacity.

With Axton, for example, there’s an effect where certain values of BAR in conjunction with points in Preparation causes his shield to flop around at the maximum value. Typically, this makes a constant beeping of “shield full” until you spec out of Preparation, spend another BAR on shield capacity (and maybe use a COM or relic that changes it)? Anyway, I think the Bee makes a buzz like that when it’s full, and if you’re experiencing this with Maya, you would presumably hear both the beep and buzz of a shield reaching maximum capacity if this is what is taking place.

If you’re down, before you spend that point, can you make a recording? I’d like to hear the audio.

My Bee does this every time I go to Caustic Caverns, and no place else. Usually only after I get hit and it recharges to full again. I’ve got 5/5 in Ward but no COM boost. I figured it was a deliberate sound effect, perhaps an audio setting included in that map but not in others? I have no idea…

I think that may be where/when it started; I’d spent most of the game last night bringing Gaige thru Sawtooth Cauldron, where she lvl’d to 49 and I think I put the BA point available into shield capacity. It was after I’d swapped to Maya that I first heard the noise. I’ll add another point when I get one and see what happens, and thanks for the tip.

If I can find a way to record the game via my DAW, I’ll get a recording of it and post a link.

  • EDIT - link to the clip

Wow, thanks - that sounds like what is up to me. I think it should really only take a single point in there to take care of it.

[quote=“Dana_H, post:5, topic:502932”]My Bee does this every time I go to Caustic Caverns, and no place else.[/quote]That’s weird

I thought to stick Gaige’s Bee on her and see what happened…totally normal. BA selection hasn’t yet included shield capacity, and so Maya’s still sounds like an alarm clock.

Try re-specing Maya, not putting any points into Ward and optionally using a mod other than the Legendary Siren (which boosts Ward), although the Legendary Siren theoretically shouldn’t have any negative effect if you have 0 points in Ward. See if you still get the beeping.

Forum ID: Poisd2Strike
GT: Poisd2Strike
Trades: http://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/t/poisd2strikes-humble-shop/367700
Gun Prefixes | Gun Parts | Max Stats
Maya OP8 | Banshee RR / NRR | Binder | Cat | Nurse | Siren | Trickster B / M