Rough Rider glitch

So I noticed something strange while in a public game. I was playing as Maya using the RR because as we all know it keeps the Fleet skill active increasing movement speed, the other player was using Gaige and that dam Deathtrap was constantly trying to fix my shield. When the glitch happened we were traveling from the first area on the mission Dam Fine Rescue to the second while Deathtrap was trying to repair my shield so it was filled to 168. When travel was completed my RR shield was still full. I tried changing shields and getting damaged by enemies but when I took damage it hurt my health and not the shield and because it was permanently filled to 168 my Fleet skill would not activate. I had to save and quit then rejoin the game to fix it. Anyone else have this happen?


The way I understand it, thatā€™s what Buck Up is supposed to doā€¦restore the shield of one ally. And since the RR has no shield capacity, DT thinks itā€™s empty and tries to help out.

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If Deathtrap has Buck Up he will attempt to fill either Gaigeā€™s or someone elseā€™s shield when it is depleted or close to depletion. While itā€™s fine and dandy for Gaige and some other characters it becomes extremely frustrating as a melee oriented Krieg or Zer0 when you are trying to keep your shield empty to take advantage of roid damage.

So it is not really a glitch so much as Deathtrap being Deathrap. What used to be a glitch is Deathtrap topping off an enemies shield which was really awesome when you were trying to get a second wind.


It does, but itā€™s permanently drained. If it didnā€™t, skills like Fleet, Empty the Rage, etc., wouldnā€™t work properly. If you compare it to another shield via Zedā€™s machines, youā€™ll see its actual capacity.


Reallyā€¦I didnā€™t know that, thanks. Admittedly, I havenā€™t paid a lot of attention to it (so far, at least) as it doesnā€™t work well with how I play usually.

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I was talking more about the fact that after travel my RR showed that it was filled to 168 and Fleet no longer worked + I had to save and quit to fix it.

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Itā€™s just a glitch with buck up if you transition between areas while deathtrap is charging a playerā€™s shield.

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This person gets it.

To elaborate on this, when Buck Up kicks in and you choose to go to the next map, its properties are retained, which means increased recharge speed and less delay. On the Rough Rider it means that its hidden capacity (which is give or take 150) will be filled. And since the RR has no normal shield properties it cannot be drained.


If I recall correctly this happened with me once. Itā€™s one of the reasons why I didnā€™t like to play with people using the mechro.

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I try to avoid them as much as I can now

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Will taking damage reset it to its default state? Iā€™m so glad my friend who plays Gaige doesnā€™t have that skill specced.

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I saw a clip where DT restored Voracidousā€™ shield. Iā€™d go ape if that happened to me! :smiley:


OP states that he/she still took health damage, but none to the shield.

Moral of the story: donā€™t use Buck Up. it is a skill I personally cannot really recommend anyway, considering how big of an idiot DT can be at times.


More like buck up is literally the best skill ever i can give me and/or my team infinite shield recharge rate so that we all have bee shields that are always active

This is a SIX year old thread ā€” thatā€™s 30 in forum years. You also missed the specific point of the topic : Buck Up and Rough Rider interaction. Alsoā€¦ā€¦punctuation.

  1. I donā€™t care about punctuation lol
  2. Why did you reply to me if its an old post like you said
  3. All I was doing was making a comment on something I read so that others who came across this thread like I did could see that the skill has good uses and not just bad like everyone else here was saying

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