Character Idea-Swarm host

My idea for a new borderlands character. The swarm host (cant think of a character name) can summon a swarm of tiny flying insects from the ground. These insects are controlled by the player and can be moved closer or further away using the aim and fire buttons. When moved over an enemy, the swarm slashes at any weak points, dealing damage to the target.
1st skill tree: Possession

This skill tree boosts the player in general, giving boosts to movement speed and accuracy mainly, however other skills such as fire rate, damage, elemental effect chance/damage and jump height.
The point cap is Infestation. The swarm takes over the host giving major boosts to stats whilst the ability is in use. 200% movement speed, 50% jump height and 150% fire rate, recoil reduction and accuracy lead to devastating synergy.

2nd skill tree: Pack Hunters

This skill tree is used to assist the player in combat, the main purpose to allow the player to survive for longer. From swarm shields to life stealing bugs, you’ll live a lot longer.
The point cap is horde instinct. This skill powers up your shield of bugs with smarter minds. These bugs can deflect bullets by thickening the swarm at certain points.

3rd skill tree: Bugs. Bugs! Bugs!!!

This skill tree is mainly for offensive use. The skills vary from extra damage with the swarm to giving them elemental abilities. These skills can be incredibly deadly.
The point cap is Plague orb. Instead of just a single ball of insects, the swarm is transformed into a dome of unforgiving torment. This dome gets thicker the closer it is to you, leading to more damage.

I hope you like the idea


Hey cool idea! Can definitely say this is unique. Dont recall anyone else coming up with sonething like this.
And I hope you don’t mind, but Ive moved your thread to the fan creation section.

Thanks I wasn’t sure where I should post something like this. Glad you liked it

I’m not sure if this is BL material (honestly it’s making me think of if the Collectors from Mass Effect 2 were put into Diablo), but I’ll be damned if this isn’t an interesting character idea.

Character development!
This person/thing was one of Handsome Jacks slag test subjects. Maybe it could link into echo recorders found in the wildlife preserve or Tiny Tina

I’m guessing you’re thinking Vakrids @arkitekt666?

I like the concept of it as a whole, definitely. Could even lead to some funny exchanges. I have to agree with @ACNAero, it may not necessarily fit to the whole style of BL game play. Might be better suited for something moderately different, unless it some how complimented the big sell of bl which is the items.

I feel like it needs a way to link to the combat scheme around him.

Also a draw back.

(I.E. Krieg’s drawback is his power is unleashed when his shield is down)

Ariana the Entomologist

Or hell make her a Siren that can control lower life forms, aka insects. but not just insects, even lower, the HIVE insects, the ones that don’t think for themselves. One of her gamechangers can be upgrading from bees to fire/shock wasps or something.

Action Skill: Swarm of Locusts

Drawbacks… Forced close combat for the swarm to be effective. not a melee character, but a shotgunner. with insects.