I just farmed 20 tubby spiderants in the dust. All I got was roughly 30 eridum and 2 sash shields total. Some of them only dropped ammo and money. I’ve heard that they are close to 100% drop for legendaries Pearls and class mods. For the time I’ve invested it seems like it’s not worth it for me to keep farming these tubbys. Did they get patched or am I missing something?
Tubbys only appear in UVHM, and my experience is that they ALWAYS drop something. Usually a class mod. Pearls are still a rare drop. You also need to be at lvl 61 to get them.
IIRC, these class mods were introduced in the 2nd UVHM upgrade pack, so if you don’t have that, it would explain things. In NVHM and TVHM they’re called Chubbys, and can drop WTF shield and Bouncing Bonnie grenade along with some eridium and green stuff.
Hopefully this helps you out a bit!
Pretty much what Ronnie said, although they have a designated loot pool. They always drop one item from their pool, unless (and someone correct me if I’m wrong) they drop a pearl, in which case they will drop a COM as well.
Forgot the Bunny, but I’m actually pretty sure they also have the Bouncing Bonnie in their loot pool. Not going to bet my life on it, but…
They really don’t. I’ve killed over 100 Tubbies and I’ve never seen one so it’s just a random world drop. It would be nice if they’d actually drop that though… Better than nothing else at least
Thanks for the quick responses. And I’m level 59 so that may be my problem. Will get in the 60’s and try again
If you’re lvl 59, you won’t see pearl drops at all…gotta be 61 or higher, and in UVHM.
FWIW - in what is probably well over 150 runs hunting tubbies all over the map, I still am waiting for the first pearl to drop. RNG FTW!
Keep at it. It really is random. Last night I did three runs just because and two had tubbies that dropped legendary class mods. You never know.