Most level 70 builds, for nisha anyway, should have all three capstones, all of them are just super good, and you dont miss that much allocating your points like that.
I find that this is the most versitile build for her, but if you have some gear, notably COMs, that you find yourself using a lot of, make sure you change it up a bit.
For the Luck Cannon specificly, I can’t think of any changes I would make, someone with more experience with that weapon should probably give their input.
Regarding both two and three: Melee builds are still very much viable, espically if you use the build I posted. But you can’t just slap on a roid shield and run around expecting to murder everything. Pure melee just dosen’t work well in UVHM. That said, Utilised correctly, her melee skills can make your mobbing quite a bit faster in a hybrid setup.
I’d have points in trick shot. With a Luck Cannon, And 5/5 in Trick Shot and Tombstone and a Crapshooter mod I find I don’t really need to aim at all, I point the gun in the general direction and fire, everyone dies.
But it seems to me like her guns are already plenty strong without being buffed, while melee damage output goes down more than 100% if not using an Enforcer. Unless Wanted works differently with melee than with guns (like Rising Shot with Zero) I don’t see how the Lone Star can compete with the Enforcer in a hybrid role. It seems like melee would not be strong enough to take on a serious role in damage output.
Basicly, it’s because the boosts to melee damage arn’t all that different, but the Lone star is a lot better with guns.
I’m not sure where you are getting the 100% lower melee damage, from what I’m looking at it’s 6% less in excahnge for up to 43% gun damage and Rarin’ to go.
the rest of the difference is the boost to third degree, it’s pretty significant.
I think we just don’t agree with what a hybrid build is.
Even in a Hybrid build, the Melee part is just for support.
Consider third degree as your baseline for how often a hybrid build should use melee: you need to kill 5 things before using melee once… so a Hybrid build is about 80% gun
Basically, the Law Enforcer is great with Melee, but sucks for gun, while the lone star is Great with guns, and good with melee. 5/5 third degree, the melee damage bonus from the COM, a bladed gun and TC are all enough to make a few melee hits useful.
If you plan on using melee enough that you want to use a COM that does NOTHING for your gun, then yes, your occasional melee strike will be much more powerful, but you’ll struggle the rest of the time, while the Lone star has nothing to envy the other gun COMs, and still does something for the occasional melee you want to throw.
I guess I understand what you were sayinn now. I took a run through pity’s fall to see how melee was buffed (without a roid shield though). It was underwhelming. I could damage grunts, but not kill them if they had full health and shields, and I won’t even mention how little it did to badasses (I was hoping for the whole shield and 2/3 health, I only got the shield and 1/3 at most). Granted, I didn’t have any bladed guns, so that may be why.
Maybe with a roid shield and bladed gun it would’ve been better, but if I need the roid shield to make the buffed melee work, then I may as well just go with the Lone Star. Maybe Wanted will actually help my melee a bit.
To be fair, it seems like the Lone Star is equally bad for melee. The Law Enforcer gives 45% gun damage after a melee strike (due process), while the Lone Star gives a base melee buff of 45(?)% and Wanted ( which I gather isn’t that great). So they seem about the same there.
Random question: It seems like Wanted isn’t a skill that people take because they want it, but because they don’t want third degree. But if wanted is bad (again, this just seems to be the impression I get from people talking about the skil), then why won’t anybody just take third degree?