Does Moxxi healing stack?

Let’s say i’m Gunzerking with a Heartbreaker (2% healing) in my right hand and a Rubi (12% healing) in my left hand.

Do the two stack giving me 14% healing or does one overwrite the other?

I have no idea- but that has always been one of my favorite combos for Sal and since it works…

I think they do but I can’t really recall where it was said but it was likely on the old forums but the chances of it being on the first page of a thread is slim.

It should, Pretty much anything that works correctly in your off hand will just stack with what you’re getting from your main haind, unless it’s not the kind of thing that stacks i guess

guess I could test it when i get off work, it shouldnt be too hard

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Testing w/ NE rubi
Damage: 1536
Single heal:
Double heal:

Note: will finish in the morning, was tired

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Somewhat related: I think using two Laws cancels out the healing effect of the weapon.

It’s really quite dumb.

When using two Moxxi weapons, I’d expect the healing to stack additively. Interested to see the results.


It stacks.

2 ways it might not work:

1: only one of the guns provides it’s bonus because one of the hand has priority.


2: only the biggest bonus counts

If you want to test the first one out, try using a Grog and another Moxxi gun (one with ~ 2% heal)

If you get massive healing, it means the grog is applied. Swap the 2 guns and repeat. If you still get massive healing, it means that the grog adds it’s bonus no matter which hand is using it and that the first hypothesis is wrong.

The second one is much trickier to test.

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Yes and no, couldn’t you just not gunzerk and compare the amount you regen’d (by itself) against the gunzerked tests? If it was the same amount wouldn’t that prove that only the higher bonus is applied?

Yes it would, but it’s a bit hard to get good numbers while you regen health while gunzerking.

So that’s what you meant. Shouldn’t be too difficult still, just have your hp be very low (ideally 1 hp left but any amount would do really so long as the gunzerking doesn’t refill your hp to max or very close by itself) and record how much you regen’d then try to lower yourself back to the same amount (or as close as you can) for the first and second tests. 3rd one (are they added or only the higher used?) wouldn’t need the same requirement.

Test Results:
Having the moxie weapon in either hand with a dummy in the other seemed to have no effect on healing, no real surprises here but it was a useful baseline.

Using both moxie weapons (Bad Touch) had a markedly higher heal.

Using the grog in one hand and the bad touch in the other showed no difference in healing when hands were switched, as it was pretty much instant in both cases, a different test should probably be used, however the results of the second test lead me to belive that both were procing.

Note that none of this testing is numbers based, it consisted of me throwing grenades at a wall and seeing how long it took me to get back to full health by shooting the bad touch at the test dummy’s midsection. If somebody want’s me to, I can do a more reliable test.


No problem, it wasn’t too hard