Sniper zero+pimpernels

any suggestions for a build? level 72 and im gonna use my pimpernels and I don’t care for melee

I came up with the following build for a lvl 72 Zer0 focused primarily on Guns and Sniper Rifles in particular:

You could always take the 1 point from Death Mark and put it into Rising Sh0t (for 5/5 Rising Sh0t) and take the 1 point from Execute and put it into F0ll0wthr0ugh (for 5/5 F0ll0wthr0ugh). However, since they are only 1 point skill you may want to keep them even if you focus mainly on Guns and stay away from Melee.

Forum ID: Poisd2Strike
GT: Poisd2Strike
Gun Prefixes | Gun Parts | Max Stats
Maya OP8 | Banshee RR / NRR | Binder | Cat | Nurse | Siren | Trickster B / M

thanks ill give it a try

My recommendation.
Because I like to use the L. Killer and L. Hunter as well as the L. Sniper…

whats the best shield to use on sniper zero? the bee?

I’m not a huge sniper zero guy, but the Antagonist is one of the best shields in the game.

Not the bee. Damage isn’t Zer0’s problem. Use the antagonist.