Someone Gave My Game The 'Legendary Caffeine'

Ok, right now I’m at real odds trying to explain what popped in my game. From the time I started playing up until 4 days ago the RNG has been a cruel, cruel mistress to me. From start to level 50 I have had only maybe 7 or 8 legendary drops, almost all under-leveled and mostly repeats, and that’s with some moderate farming. Something happened after I started Tiny Tinas DLC… at about halfway through Lvl 50 I crossed some invisible line and now stuff’s dropping like CRAZY! Even from places that I’ve been through 30+ times before with no results. I can’t explain it because it’s so much more than just my normal RNG.
For example, the fridge… I’ve gotten a Sledges shotgun and gunerang there before… long time ago. Been though there probably 40+ times since then and nothing. Last night ( after all this drop stuff started) right before bed I ran through there and Smashmouth gave me another shotgun, Rakkman dropped another gunerang, and Laney (who’s never ever dropped anything) coughed up a sweet corrosive Gub! In ONE run!
In 3 days after work (6 runs total) I’ve now gotten a total of 9 Bee shields from just the first part of the Forest (6 in the first 3 runs!). In Opportunity, several days ago a UBA loader coughed up my first Bitch, and last night early on I got my first ever legendary siren com from a regular plain old engineer. 3 Harolds from Savage Lee in 8 quick tries (he spawned 5 times right behind the FT station)…I could go on…
I’m certainly not complaining, but this seriously begs the question… WTF!!! Is this kind of night-and-day turn around with the drops normal for players at my level (now 51 - tvhm)? It’s been a good while since the drop rate increase but for any kind of change to only happen now has me confused and curious.

Also, is there a dedicated pc screenshot key? or do people just tab out and use PrtScn?

on steam you can hit f12 and find the screenshot through the steam client

Have you recently started playing while connected to the internet?

Thank you, I never knew that.

No, it’s always been connected, though I have seen the ‘not connected to steam server’ and ‘now connected to steam server’ messages in game when my modem drops offline to reboot itself. Doesn’t happen very often though… maybe twice a week.
I did just recently start playing with steam sync turned off, though I doubt that would make much of a difference.

Hmm. I know they added a hotfix for drop rates, so if you’re connected to the internet that’s active.

Just RNG being RNG, I guess.

I guess that’s all it can be really, but it’s still weird how it just went into overdrive like that. Even the quality of the regular loot in chests got better. Guess I’ll have to wait and see if it stays like that lol.

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