Ok, right now I’m at real odds trying to explain what popped in my game. From the time I started playing up until 4 days ago the RNG has been a cruel, cruel mistress to me. From start to level 50 I have had only maybe 7 or 8 legendary drops, almost all under-leveled and mostly repeats, and that’s with some moderate farming. Something happened after I started Tiny Tinas DLC… at about halfway through Lvl 50 I crossed some invisible line and now stuff’s dropping like CRAZY! Even from places that I’ve been through 30+ times before with no results. I can’t explain it because it’s so much more than just my normal RNG.
For example, the fridge… I’ve gotten a Sledges shotgun and gunerang there before… long time ago. Been though there probably 40+ times since then and nothing. Last night ( after all this drop stuff started) right before bed I ran through there and Smashmouth gave me another shotgun, Rakkman dropped another gunerang, and Laney (who’s never ever dropped anything) coughed up a sweet corrosive Gub! In ONE run!
In 3 days after work (6 runs total) I’ve now gotten a total of 9 Bee shields from just the first part of the Forest (6 in the first 3 runs!). In Opportunity, several days ago a UBA loader coughed up my first Bitch, and last night early on I got my first ever legendary siren com from a regular plain old engineer. 3 Harolds from Savage Lee in 8 quick tries (he spawned 5 times right behind the FT station)…I could go on…
I’m certainly not complaining, but this seriously begs the question… WTF!!! Is this kind of night-and-day turn around with the drops normal for players at my level (now 51 - tvhm)? It’s been a good while since the drop rate increase but for any kind of change to only happen now has me confused and curious.
Also, is there a dedicated pc screenshot key? or do people just tab out and use PrtScn?