Does anyone use the Bekah on raids?

I was wondering if there are any gameplay videos of Maya using the Bekah on raids. I tried it out on Pete, and it worked extremely well once I got his helmet off. Beehawking is faster on the shielded phase, but when the shield was gone, the Bee-kah was more or less just as good.

Then I decided to try it on Terra. That proved to be a whole different story. I always have a hard time hitting his crits, so I didn’t do much damage at all with Bee-kah.

Has anyone else tried this gun on raids? Was it good or bad?

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It’s hard to raid without matching elements, you can use it fairly well on the dragons, not bad for getting them out of the air as well.

Yeah, that was probably a big factor against Terra. I was hoping that it wouldn’t be that big of a difference, but… It was! :smiley: Guess I’ll try it on the other raids to see how it goes.

It worked well on pete because he isn’t weak to any elements, flesh enemies resistant to fire usually aren’t.

I thought I’d try Hyperius next. But since it didn’t work on Terra, I fear that it will be the same thing here. Somewhere in the back of my head I have a thought…

Where is it?.. Aaaah there it is!

I seem to remember something about Hyperius sharing the same damage mechanics as Terra. They both wash off the slag very fast and are both very weak to fire damage. If that is true, then it’s gonna be a very, VERY long fight. Still… Gotta try it!

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Hyp doesn’t have a ton of health though

Only drawback to using it against Hyperious is that he’s always jumping at you, which makes it hard to get the distance for the bullet split down right… Edit: did a test with Maya using a Boss Bekah in Sanctuary with 5 points in Accelerate. I walked from Dr Zed’s building back to the center of town just to the edge of the engine Lilith manipulated to get Sanctuary flying. I fired at the wall until I found the distance when the bullets split- a nice measure of how far away I need to be in order to get the most out of it…

I have used to it kill terra, pete, and the dragons with sal if that counts

I assume you gunzerked with it, so… how did you manage to hit the crits? I can definetly see it being good against the dragons.

I just aimed and shot its not as bad as you think

:laughing: Best advice I’ve heard all day! Cheers, mate!