(Really, really, ridiculously good-looking)
January 12, 2015, 7:40pm
It does.
Not all Splash Damage is boosted by Grenade Damage.
Rocket Launchers, for example.
(The Poopiest)
January 12, 2015, 7:48pm
Wow I was worried there for a minute. It would have made zero scientific sense that a gun that shoots exploding pupmkins doesn’t splash.
(Really, really, ridiculously good-looking)
January 12, 2015, 7:54pm
There’ll soon be a thread for that, but for now it looks like there are at least two basic types of area damage:
Benefits from Grenade Damage. Usually comes attached to a normal bullet impact, such as on most basic Torgue weaponry. Some Uniques/Legendaries break this rule.
Does not benefit from Grenade Damage. Usually occurs on its own without a normal bullet impact, such as with Rocket Launchers or Grenadier Assault Rifles. Some Uniques/Legendaries break this rule.
(PSN: JamaalKazama)
January 14, 2015, 4:51am
Second clarification, do Boominator’d Tediore weapons gain an increase on reload damage? [Including Party Line / Min Min since they’re not exactly traditional Tediore guns]
(President of Jellybeans)
January 14, 2015, 8:14pm
As far as I know Grenade boosts are the only thing aside from element boost (and i guess mag size) that can boost tediore reload damage.
January 25, 2015, 3:07pm
Sorry to just jump in, but Im just curious because im working on a claptrap explosive focused build, so to get these things out of the grinder you take a torgue weapon with what say, 2 legendaries, and add moonstones, and thats how you get this? Thanks for answering in advance.
(Where's lucky?)
January 25, 2015, 3:32pm
Well what gun in specific do you want?
Brand is random, type is determined by the purple weapon added.