Oh NoooOOOoooo ! Why why why ?!?

Was level 40-41 before the lunar launching station part and Zarpedon in TVHM so I thought “Hey :slight_smile: let’s level with side quests and gather money to build up a nice money is power % before facing Zarpedon !” and so I did the Nakayama quests, all the hub of heroism quests, and then all the R&D quests, then found one in Concordia about the Merriff statue, that was for lvl 42. I had 230+ stacks at the time…

And then comes the part when you open the 3rd echo by paying $48 to the slot machine…

And I didn’t realize until I saw my stacks go to oblivion…


Sucks to suck.

Try farming Phonic the Kraggon.

I did this this past weekend too I was like WTF!!!