Looking for a couple to join us to get sub-level 13 achievement

We’re looking for a mature couple, specifically to get the achievement for 4 players in sub-level 13 and possibly help/get help in games and occassionally play games with. We primarily play RPG’s.

PS3, PS4, X360, X1, PC, or Mac?

Not a couple, and not necessarily always mature (although definitely on the older side of forum users), but I don’t have that achievement yet and would be willing to join if you’re on 360. I co-op semi-regularly with another older player, and he’d probably be willing to join as well.

I’m on 360 if you need a 4th gt is the same as forum name.

I’m on PC… I need that achievement as well. Steam ID same as username in forum.

We’re on the 360 (sorry I failed to mention that). We generally play late evenings but can arrange to play during the day for something like this.

I was gonna say I can help, but I play on PS3 and you said you were on 360…

On a related note, I actually got this achievement while playing with a random, a third and fourth showed up right before we turned in the mission so we got lucky

When you say late…??? Saturday might work.

I can be present if ur 4th doesn’t come.

I usually get on between 10 and 11 pm, pacific coast time.

Thanks, I’ll send you a friend request if we come up short :slight_smile:

My GT is not the same as my forum user name, so I didn’t get the FR. If yours the same (Zanni)? I’m on-line right now (4 pm eastern) but can be on again later tonight.

Send me a FR.

Did you change your mind?

Not sure what’s going on - I sent you a message on XBL but got no response. GT is Alkymist96.

Ok, sent you a FR