Gaige Skill Tree build: Big Chaos Friends

This is my own tree build for her and no, I don’t know what weapons I will go with for this class. I would like to here what you guys think of it and if there are any guns you would think would go great with this
This has everything for her and deathtrap.With the BFF having shields for them, heath regenerate and the ricochet to help with OC Anarchy. With LBT i put point in for the shock for high shield enemies and give deathtrap some other attacks.

you should really think about reading the skill guides before posting any more of these, they will help you fix the problems with your spec, and the topgear threads will answer most of your questions about gear.

That is why people put so much time into writing them


Shock Storm, Death From Above, The Stare, One Two Boom and Shock And AAAGH are crap. Put those points into The Better Half and The Nth Degree. Also, you have three skills that affect your shield capabilities, two should be enough. As was previously said, you really should check the guides on how to play as Gaige.

putting more than 1 point in the Nth degree also is not very good. IIRC you get about a 25% dps increase for the first point and then the next 4 points togather give you another 25%
If you’re going to continue to make these builds at least have an idea of what gear works best with them- otherwise you’re wasting folks time.

The whole reason they’re asking for advice is because they don’t know what you know about the character and gear. Its not like Borderlands is a game you learn to play overnight. Cut them some slack.

I recommend consulting the pinned Resources of the Mecromancer Variety thread at the top of the Gaige section. Of particular note are [DDD] Gaige’s skills for you!, Gaiges General and Skill Tree Deficiencies and Top Gear for Gaige!

Forum ID: Poisd2Strike
GT: Poisd2Strike
Gun Prefixes | Gun Parts | Max Stats
Maya OP8 | Banshee RR / NRR | Binder | Cat | Nurse | Siren | Trickster B / M

Except that this is the second time he’s posted a build for a character and stated that he hasn’t decided on what weapons to use. To me, that sounds like someone that either hasn’t played the game to completion in Normal or even on their own- or is just really bored and is posting trollish topics. It’s fine to ask for advice- but when there are resources available to you that you seemingly ignore just because you want to ‘make your own build’ that- to me- seems a waste of time. At least reach level 72 before trying to design a level 72 build (which I honestly don’t think he’s done). Designing a build around skills w/o taking into account the gear needed to make the build successful is ass backwards to me- think about what you need to make it work first, try it out and then ask for suggestions on how to improve it- it might save you from covering ground that’s already been discovered- and keep you from wasting your time trying something that really isn’t that good of a build…