There is a disappointing lack of traditional feminine options in the character creation and customisation of Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands. Especially when it comes to hairstyles and faces. This is very odd considering the entire aesthetic of the game is based on (or at least inspired by) dungeons and dragons type lore, which for the longest time has always featured many feminine-looking heroines. This is very disappointing, and I think we all know why the game developers did this, with the entire entertainment industry hell bent on forcing a certain way of thinking onto people these past few years. I don’t understand why they don’t just include all options, so that those of us that want to make feminine female characters can do so if we wish. What is wrong with giving the player that option? If you want to make a feminine character in this game you are out of luck, because all of the options the game releases with look either androgynous, butch, masculine, ugly, buff, or any combination of those. I hope the developers are planning on releasing more traditional feminine-looking creations and customisations for the character creator in the future. Especially when it comes to hairstyles, faces, and body types. I know I’m probably hoping for the impossible here, considering the agenda they are trying to push, but ask yourself if you really want to support a game developer that is against giving the player more options.
Totally agree. No problem with having agendas(it is their game), but to make their agenda your only option takes player choice and freedom out of it.
My wife and i play all Borderlands game and she felt the same way making a character last night.
Ya’ll are jumping to conclusions real fast, there is a ton of cosmetics to unlock in the game including hairstyles. I don’t know what else is included yet, but there is definitely more than the starting options we’ve got.
Is this due to a lack of long hairstyles and eyeshadow or are you complaining because you can’t give your character bazongas the size of Rhode Island?
If it is the former, there are more options through drops. If it is the latter, I suggest a long, hard look at your personal ideology.
Over 50 female agrees. My demographic isn’t well represented. Why should I have to wait for more cosmetics to drop?
Sign of the times - the current “meta” of social population is represented (the use of him/he and they/them options) but the over sexualisation (eg anything that is female) options are made to be generic.
Im a male playing female characters and i was unable to make a feminine character, so have settled with a “tomboy” instead. As stated though, there may be unlockables and such later that will give a more stylised appearance to the character. We’re not talking high heels here, i mean its obvious Tina is female because of her size, shape, voice and color choices. Those options arent all available in the range on the char creation screen though - even the overdrive option doesnt allow scaling to the goblin sizes (dissapointed).
Agreed, they drop a ton of female cosmetics, I even got a lipstick drop.
It’s seriously not cool they didn’t make any. I’ve picked up multiple other colors and patterns, but no hairstyles. I would love to have some more feminine, viking style hair options. I hate this emo stuff. I’m already pissed about some of the storylines. I’ve played Borderlands with my son and I can excuse the swearing. They should have at least kept it under the table, but I’m not explaining to my child why a human is sleeping with a goblin or in love with an inanimate object like a bridge.
I’m a male who plays a female character and my character looks feminine and amazing. Maybe you should just put more time into the character creator. Stop complaining and play the game or don’t.
My, some people are so offended by this comment.
I don’t want to “spend more time in the character creator”, nor do I think I should have to play through the game to level 40 before I can make my female character obviously and distinctly female.
It is extremely difficult to do and Gearbox did that on purpose. It’s fairly obvious that their point was to avoid making distinctive male and female characters. It used to be cutting edge to allow you to play as a female instead of just the strong masculine male. Now, we’re back to not having that choice.
You have a small amount at the start. Have you tried killing a lot of enemies? They drop customizations.
Not offended at all. It’s just old everyone complaining that the game wasn’t made exactly how they wanted and they weren’t given everything right out the gate. Get on xbox and look at the people looking for people to play with. Almost all of them want to be powered level. The game has been out 3 days. Play the game and earn your rewards, even the cosmetics.
It is true you don’t get a lot at the start. Having beaten the game and been level 40 for several hours now, I can safely say you get a lot of customization options later on. I kid you not, you probably get some kind of customization roughly every 20 minutes. Not sure how many were hairstyles or facial features. I do agree that it would be nice to have more early on, but they also need something to bait you in to playing longer. Perhaps a compromise of a few more styles early on and have some more added later?
I would also like to remind people, that some people want their character to be an avatar of themselves. And some players look and like having feminine characteristics. Some of those characteristics would make a dual wielding Norfleet Sal blush in the ballistics department.
Big agree.
I initially wanted to make my character a “sexy” sorcereress but as soon as I opened up character creation and saw the giant heads and big jawlines I knew something was off lol. It defeats the whole purpose of “playing how you want to play” when I can’t even create my character how I want it to begin with. The voice options didn’t help me either. I wanted a cute or aloof or “ditzy” type of character but all I got was Man/Tomboy/Aggressive. This all wouldn’t have been a problem if we had a silent protagonist that we never get to see but they talk a lot AND you see them in both overworld and cutscene content. Each time they speak or I’m in a cutscene I’m just slightly sad that Gearbox didn’t grant me the options to make my character where I would have had more fun. This is a traditional fantasy setting. Why take out one of the core pieces of that universe? i.e. sexy character maidens
This next part I’m going to go back and forth between defending Gearbox’s decision: I’m only halfway through the game and I think we’ve all noticed a noticable shift in terms of things we’ve all been accustomed to in regards to Borderlands games. I believe this was because they made this game more ‘kid-friendly’ and also because this is a spin-off game. It is also based narratively from the mind of a child HOWEVER at the same time I have issues with that
-This game is noticably more kid-friendly but then they have ghosts claiming to want to be a side-piece for the main villain and guys who are obviously having sex with bridges. They even have our character flirt with a bridge? Weird… Everything just comes off as they don’t agree with which direction they wanted to go in
-Having the game come from the mind of a child was an easy way to dumb down this game but they forget that child is Tina. The same Tina that ALWAYS flirts with female characters (even in this game) and talks about Badonk-a-donks nonstop and made passes at Moxxi and Gaige and various other female cast members. I think the writers want us to forget how they originally wrote Tina lol
Overall, I’m annoyed but it is a spin-off game so I’m not going to judge it too harshly. It’s made to be fun and FUN IT IS!! Now, if they keep with these changes going into BL4 then that is when I’m just going to roll my eyes and start getting disappointed and stop playing.
I suppose they did not want to have all streamers running around with bikinis armor big breasted Barbies
The Rated T thing is really a misstep as well. There’s nothing less funny than the tired joke of characters not being able to curse because of the rating. Even more so when it’s the first non M rated Borderlands title so they did it to themselves. It’s not like characters on TV wondering why they have to keep saying Frack!
And, as you mentioned, the actual content clearly isn’t T when you talk about how completely oversexualized the context for everything is. Everybody is screwing everybody and everything. This game is the opposite of teen content.
Perhaps that is Gearbox’s main point. They made the most adult content ever but because it doesn’t have blood, boobs or cursing, it was given a T rating.
The character creation options are kind of subpar initially. Been playing and unlocking options, but my character is still kind of bland and uninteresting.
Was kind of excited about the ability to build your own character, but honestly find myself missing having a traditional vault hunter with a defined personality.
Feminine options? They made customization in this game as ambiguous as poss to cater to the LGBTQ crowd IMO
I’m still waiting on a cool cowboy hat to drop.