[TTW] No TT Wonderlands Forum?

Why oh why does our discussion of this NEW IP have to be forced into the BL3 forum??? Can we (and I mean YOU GBX peeps) NOT create a new separate forum for Tiny Tina… puhleeeease!


GBX only bothers with Twitter now.


Whats crazy about this is that years ago, when BL2 was about to come out, they had their BL2 forums up n running for months prior to release of the game. I don’t remember when the BL3 forums launched, but I have found it odd that they haven’t created the forums for Wonderlands yet myself.


Sadly it does seem that way.

In another sad state; I’ve already edited my BL3 save file backup script for Wonderlands, 'cause, um, you know burn me once…

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We definitely need one. This place has been a great place for discussing BL3 over the past few years. Great place for sharing info and meeting new people. I’ve found new gaming buddies here and one of them I’d call a friend in real life.

Pretty please @Noelle_GBX?


So if we don’t get our own forum; do we start every Wonderlands post with a “TTW” prefix?

Hmm, maybe we should just takeover a different, less used GBX forum…. I’ll start looking


The most logical place absent a dedicated section would be Games & Tech. But definitely inlude [TTW] in thread titles. Please do not “takeover” a section that is clearly dedicated to a different game, even if it’s dormant.

Do you know of any plans to create a dedicated Wonderlands forum?

Sorry, my humor sometimes misses the mark.


I’m thinking that like 6 / 8 / 12 months ago, whenever that last Dev exodus happened; one of those “dudes” was the only one with Forum Admin password so now no one can change the forum :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


it didn’t miss the mark. I got it. Its just that humor isn’t allowed around here. :rofl:


The Borderlands 3 forum section was opened in April 2019.

I’ve not heard anything. The Wonderlands web site mentions a dedicated Discord server. :man_shrugging:

Thanks - forgot about the discord sever and I joined several months ago :roll_eyes:. Maybe I’ll check it out on my PC browser 'cause I freakin hate the phone version, just way to small. But thanks again, totally forgot about it

So both you and me are thinking they are already LATE to the party… and you know how Tina gets pissed when you are late! Either you bring chocolate chip cookies or you GTFO!


Oh fun, I was literally about to PM @VaultHunter101 about this, and this post was my second unread.

It would be awesome if GB maintained a presence here, especially a dev presence like the old-old forums. Having Noelle post news here on occasion, and maybe even answer something was still nice, but it really feels like they just abandoned the forums entirely. I wouldn’t mind our own tiny corner of the Internet here, but I’m also concerned that they’ll just turn these forums off.

Moderators, I take it you’re not at liberty to add those forums yourselves?


I completely agree. You would think that a developer would pay attention to their own forum. Instead, they just run off to others that they don’t even own? Kinda weird.


No - that requires higher level admin privileges.

@Adabiviak I have had a sneaking suspicion that the lack of a Wonderlands forum section could mean that the forums might not continue to be supported in the future. Which is sad.


If you’re looking for gear or people to play with, the Discord is great. If you’re looking to discuss the game, the Discord is a waste of your time.