Created Borderlands Fanart Video (my first good 3D vid)

Just have finished the fanart video project for Borderlands, check it out guys!

YouTube , Instagram

God Bless Borderlands games and their BADASS atmosphere! Lots of guns, fun, recklessness, and lovely charismatic characters are what took a very special place in my heart a long time ago.

I wish every single fan of #borderlands would watch this video and appreciate my efforts just a little with a like and a share <3

My 3D experience was very modest the day I started working on this one, so big shoutout to Isaev Workshop for creating great conditions for effective learning and growth.

I used my Dell laptop with gtx1050 graphics card onboard which is quite old for such a challenge and in the final stages, I especially felt that. But if you quit out here, you quit in a game, so on the other hand, it was quite a valuable experience.

Iā€™m always open to working on interesting projects and ready to collaborate. Enjoy!