Jakobs Fl4k - Best Class Mod?

Just to piggyback a recent question about the best class mod for certain Fl4k builds, I was wondering what any of y’all would think about how the Bounty Hunter and the Cosmic Stalker would compare while mobbing.

I’ve got a pretty standard 3-shot FA setup, using a jakobs company man and an ASA Revolter. I usually try to brute force most things with my FA 150% Hellwalker, with a Maggie as a sidearm and a Queen’s Call for bossing. I also use a Hunter-Seeker for better cooldown and activating Furious Attack, with ASE corrosive. Between all the ricochets and the Hollow Point explosions, this build is a blast to tear through rooms of enemies.

My question is, for general mobbing with the Hellwalker, would the boost to corrosive be enough for the BH to overtake the CS? Assuming I’m in an area where I’d be able to keep most of my killskills active with the CM, and the passives were about the same.

My thinking is that armoured badasses are about the only things that can slow me down even a little, and that the ASE double-dipping in the BH corrosive boost would be enough for it to keep up with all the Hunter Skill boosts from the CM. Thoughts?

For standard 3 shot fade, Bounty Hunter or Cosmic Stalker.


Agree with Boom, either should do a pretty similar job. The BH will be slightly stronger depending on the skill rolls, but I’d doubt you would be able to feel the difference between the two.

3/2 Thrillbot would get it done if they want to go off-meta. Otherwise, yeah BH or CS for sure.


It doesn’t double dip though. It makes it so that you stack a separate corrosive mult upon kills against any type of enemy.

Boosted by 3/3 Big Game, IPS gives you a 1.29 mult to your corrosive dmg which can be increased by BY (up to 0.30)and passive on your CM (0.28).

But when going that route, I’d advise against the Hellwalker and for a Reflux instead.

The 50% ASE would math out to about 100% ASE.

0.5 * (1.29*(1+ 0.22+0.28))

The CS only allows stacking that corrosive mult against Humanoids but it’ll be higher.

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