What we want in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands

I didn’t know where to put this, but I just wanted to ensure the Gearbox’s guys to see this video. Feel free to tell the what you want in the new game. I want something that we had in the Pre-Sequel where we can kind of craft guns by recycling guns to get better rariety. Maybe be able to make parts of guns we can put on our weapons.


What I want:

  • balanced game mechanics (especially no stinkers or game breaker weapons or skills)
  • reasonable loot (no more dime a dozen legendaries)
  • no more infantile humor (Tina has grown up after all)
  • real inventory management
  • story centered DLC (not a fan of arms race - take cues from examples like “Mooncrash” by Arkane if you can not be bothered to do this at least)
  • [edit] Fix those bloody lootsplosions; ever since BL1 there has been loot that dropped out of reach (or rightaway through the floor) - seriously, FIX THIS PLEASE [/edit]

Likely many more things; I´ll come back here to complain and pretend that whatever I feel is still wrong/missing is “so damm obvious that I did not mention it before” (hindsight is alway 20/20).

On the other hand it´s a bit pointless to ask what people want at this point. Core game is certainly done by now. And do remember:

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses. Henry Ford


While these our opinions and everyone’s will be different, i’m here to play Devil’s Advocate on busted skills and overpowered guns. I LOVED the build diversity of Borderlands 3, and going back to the severely limited endgame meta that was 3 googled builds per character of BL2 would absolutely suck.

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Got me there. If given a choice I´d rather go for serious overpower over perfect balance. And no one will cry about lots of build diversity.


guys do not for one second think that gearbox listens to big creators they could not even manage to have a stream team. not lazy data not joltz not even god himself will have influence on what wodnerlands will be 6 months away means practically done and being localized


Perhaps a more relevant question is “What will Wonderlands need to be for you to buy it”.


What I don’t want

  • any power scaling for the player
  • forced on modifiers
  • game breaking unbalanced guns
  • overtuned anointments

Don’t do that and I will like the game


Not at the point wonderlands is set in


GBX will do what the suits in the offices tell them to do. Not what the community wants. I think it’s a bit naïve for people to even consider buying TTW after the horrible experience BL3 ended up being.


Believe me suits in the office don’t care about gameplay aspects
They care about money and they care about…money
So all they are telling them is “cater to the largest demographic and release the game at the perfect time even if it will suffer from not being finished yet”

But with streamers speaking up for the whole community, it does show them what a large demographic is interested in and will make them return and buy the game

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To be honnest don’t except much for this game , it’s going to be the same as BL3 with anoints , mayhem mod …they maybe listen the community BUT this is there game , they decide what put in it


Are you speaking for everyone here :thinking:


Can some hardcore players explain the hate behind BL3? The story i 100% understand, it was extremely lackluster. But the ganeplay and even endgame experience felt so improved in every way. Yeah, there are some seriously broken abilities and weapons, but no one is being forced to use the Revolter or anything. Endgame is as challenging as the player makes it, i’ll never understand why people google and farm for meta builds and then complain that the game is too easy. I seriously struggled to climb those Mayhem levels because i chose not to cheese it with Arms Race or the Gun Gun, but at the same time i appreciatee having the option because not everyone has hundreds of hours to grind gear. (thankfully i am not one of those people) Sorry for spelling errors, at work right now.

To summarize, why would anyone purposefully want to be limited with what they can use? All these “BL3 is too easy” posts make no sense because for casuals like me, endgame was TOUGH. I still struggle with the main raid bosses, especially the giant Varkid. BUT that’s because my build is all my own without Google or YouTube, and that’s what makes BL3 my favorite of the series.


Right, missed that. Maybe the writer(s) have grown up a bit - that would also help.

Ipersonally don´t have much faith in streamers. Many are in the game (literally) for the money too, as it is their job. Nothing wrong with that, but the way I see it consumers must take care of themselves. Vote with your wallet: You liked BL3 a lot - buy Wonderlands. You had issues with the game - don´t buy wonderlands. Plain and simple.


well that depends i guess
i have no doubt gbx did recognize SOME of the shitstorm that was caused by bl3 and will adjust something in future games so at the latest after the game is out for a few weeks and you can get every detail on youtube and game journalist sites, you can decide if they improved or not


what i want ( didnt see video yet)

  • 1 takedown on release

  • 1 classic raidboss on release

  • at least 1 if not 2 stackable raidbosses ( i still want vermi to be able to spawn from varkids)

  • 3-4 circles and trials ( 3-4 together like 2 of each?)

  • decent endgame

  • GOOD balancing, speak the jump in one rarity isnt 10-20% per rarity and then legendary is like a few hundred % suddenly stronger then purple


  • ( im not sure if i understand it correctly if they have done this already or not with the armor and stuff) but more stuff to equip

  • i want 5-6 things to equip not just nades shield COM and artifact, i also want 1-2 more things for more variation

  • less overall legendaries, but more unique stuff in total

  • a better sidequest menu / i want to see rewards and multiple quests like we had in bl 1 2 PS

  • a better menu overall

  • a better hub because the sanctuary III sucks ass… honestly its horrible
    the npcs are the worst too. why do they follow me everywhere… just why.
    also the npcs are spread out in this long ship
    lilith has to be talked to somehow, and i dont want to run through the whole thing all day long

  • dont make me talk to tina now pls… lilith was enough for 1 game

  • GOOD COMS i cant stress enough how stupid lazy and horrible the release COMs are
    like bro, i still cant stop laughing at techspert or that 1 more rakkattack COM that have never been reworked

  • rework how annointments work… almsot forgot about this, make them as like 99% want, trinkets
    bam solved all issues, also dont make them give hard buffs, only minor things or dmg conversion to another element


What do I want? To have a gun in the game named after me. Not because I did something important for the community, or Gearbox, or anything like that. Why then? REASONS. :smile:

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Can we barter for a game that runs in resolution mode without crashing the Xbox all the time?

He’s wasting his time making the video in the first place. GB probably will not address anyones concerns or wants at all. In the end its all about the cash. The trust we had in them is not there anymore.
They would rather ignore there fanbase instead of listening to them which is fine cause ill probably be skipping out on there new game anyway. If they fail to support or fix there current game then they will do the same thing to there new one that is coming up.