Max damage on the troubleshooter

Anyone know what max damage will be on the Troublemaker? Best one I have so far is 20633 with 50 mag.

I’m unfamiliar with this… where would I find it? (It’s also not on the loot doc)

  • nevermind I found it… will update when I can
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I came across Moxsey’s video describing the ‘special part’ that makes the gun ‘better’. A grip that gives bonus crit damage and makes it a x1 projectile. Apparently called ‘Overclocked Troubleshooter’. Gonna have a few rolls and see if I can get one.

Best one I have found. Has genesis shield which absorbs. And is the single ammo version.

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Check this document for max damage references on all guns.
It is also linked in the Borderlands official discord.

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ah so 21665. Well I may try and roll for that one but tbh I have just duped and rerolled the anoint on a bunch of these (on a ps4 so slooooooow) and I’m not minded to do it again :frowning:

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