The 'Shlooter' artifact - New Vault Card sells fix to problem created a few months ago

Leave it to GBX to give the people what they want, then take it away, then sell it back to them. :rofl:
BL3 Shlooter

Hopefully Vault Card 3 has one for fixing dedicated drops, so we can pay for a solution to that problem too. :roll_eyes:


Its just a cash grab.

When DLC 6 first released they significantly nerfed the legendary world drops. Months later with Vault Card 2 they release an item that significantly buffs the legendary world drops.

What it is that they made this item before DLC 6 release, nerfed the drops. Then release this with VC 2 thinking nobody would notice.


Gotta disagree here. The drop rates were polarising, and people often confused dedicated drops with world drops. Nobody really wanted world drops that much.

This gives players something extra, and sure, it’s behind paid content (which I think is the real reason will complain, and that’s fair), but given that it only affects world drops . . . I’m really not that fussed.

Dedicated drops were always the problem. Even when it was raining Legendaries.


yea, w/e
games will never be the same again as long as devs will give in to people asking to not play the game in order to win

Yes, the drop rates were polarizing, but I will die on the hill that both poles were not equally valid. ONE unanointed Malak’s Bane with crappy parts dropping for every hundred thousand other guns isn’t “special”, it’s neglectful at best, or a punishment at worst. However, the people on the other side did not want it to literally rain legendaires, despite the armies of strawmen the anti-drop side constructed. Just a fair days loot for a fair days grind.
The Shlooter gives players something they already had (at more reasonable rate, honestly), and sells it to them for real money AND an equipment slot.
If anything, they should’ve reverted the world drop rates to when they were reasonable, and added an artifact that reduced them, for the orange-haters. Let them be the one to lose a slot, since they’re so keen on doing more with less.

There is only one legend. That’s me.
-99% Legendary Drop Rate


I did. I wanted world drops.
Back before gearbox added DLC and mayhem gear that powercreeped the game into the stratusphere, and started buffing dedicated drop gear to match, there was a bunch of great gear that could world drop, and it was easier to get good gear from world drops than from a dedicated source. And that was fine, since farming one enemy f*cking sucks.
Add to that the fact that relics and class mods, with the worst RNG in the game are WAY easier to get as world drops instead of farming.
Even now, I refuse to save/quit farm bosses, so I’ll stick to mobbing and finding world drops. If this was free content, it’d be great for fans of mobbing, like myself, but nerfing world drops into the ground and selling content that gives a 100,00% boost, to fix it? Gearbox really have been getting scummier and scummier recently.
When their next game flops, it’ll be because of stuff like this.


i didnt rly expet anything else
they did the exact same for eridium piles with dlc 6
they dont adress issues

also i wonder if this does anything for dedicated drops or if this thing wont change that either


I straight up stopped engaging with non-boss enemies and chests/containers after the world drop nerf. Wasn’t worth my time/ammo/attention, when I could just run past them.


That’s gonna be the Vault Card 3 artifact. :rofl: :moneybag:

EDIT: Or maybe it’ll drop with a new level cap increase right before Tiny Tina’s game launches. That’s SO their style.


Gorbles, you of all people should know that it’s best not to speak for others.


Really wished dedicated drops were in the package, it’s not fun at all spending 3 lifetimes (and counting) on Tyreen’s arena trying to get a King’s/Queen’s Call, or on Wendigo’s arena trying to get a Stauros Burn, or Evil Lillit’s trying to get a Blood Starved Beast, and so on…

Bosses and named enemies having variable drop rates from each other is old news already, especially noticeable on DLC’s.

PS: Everyone better take advantage of this artifact while you can before it gets nerfed, because this thing also works on DLC world drops. You are as likely to find a Light Show beeing dropped from one of those little snake looking things on Gehenna as it is from Laserdactyl. :sweat_smile:


i should have more then enough keys to unlock all new items as got 500+ keys , though i look forward more to cosmetics as not played game in few month now for sure as rarely play it, but item is nice i guess as lot of world drops are best items last i knew for builds even if its bit late and by now most wont still play game anyway. as i go on maybe and play for 10 min before getting bored (after buying new cosmetics and maybe unlock artifact as fun thing)

im still pissed how many mission reward weapons cannot be bought from a vendor like SOME of the base game ones

like there aint even an excuse, they just refuse to fix this for 2 years now


For sure, both of your points are valid. I preferred the increased Legendary drop rates myself.

However, a lot of people did not like the Legendary drop rate. That’s a fact. And it’s problematic, because there isn’t really a sweet spot. A lot of drop rates are about perception (outside of the dedicated group that could lab such things). So the benchmarks are (generally speaking) either “a lot” or “not a lot”. Those are the only “feelings” that will stick, over time.

Like I said (mainly at hovis, here), putting the artefact behind a paywall is what’s going to sour people the most. My point is that drop rates were polarising, and that for a developer that’s very hard to reconcile. I definitely understand where otacon is coming from, because I also believe the poles weren’t valid. But the poles existed, and that’s the problem.

Hah, fair. I should’ve added an asterisk that was “on this forum, based on every damned thread every week complaining about bad world drops and a lack of dedicated loot sources for DLC drops” (the DLC drops were, in the end, addressed somewhat).

We are what we see. But, anecdotally, nobody really wanted world drops. Is that fairer?

Actually I have another take: based on what I’ve anecdotally read, there was a lot of dissatisfaction with non-dedicated drops, and frustration that dedicated drops weren’t where people wanted them to be.

Anointments used to compound this, but the reroll machine did something to address that. It’s not perfect, but it caused the rate of “drops with the right X” opinions to drop, observably (anecdotally).

Don’t get me wrong. You were right to call me out. But I hope the qualifiers help.


I still want them… finding a decent static charge from the drop source is damn near impossible


Some of the best items I’ve ever found were world drops, so yeah, more rolls means more chances for correct parts/element.


also deathless used for moze is world drop also as most better artifacts are world drops to my knowledge and key to some builds.


Fair enough with the qualifiers based on forum feedback. I would then argue that outside of the forum, you see far more sway towards the world drop side of things.

At the end of the day, it feels insanely scummy for GBX to nerf world drop rates in the base game just to then introduce an item in DLC 6 that brings them back and then some. Just like it was a low blow to nerf tediores based off of Arm’s Race. If you don’t have SP2, the game is being futzed with in so many ways that are based on content you don’t have access to, while skills that are bugged in SP2 are still broken months later. It sucks.


Uh….I honestly don’t see a problem…

Don’t like it …don’t use it….

Like it…use it…

I don’t see how this breaks anything…hurts anything.

Want more challenge…don’t use it.

It’s not like this game is some competitive PvP thingie. And if it bothers your coop…set some rules with friends or don’t coop with them.

Sheesh….people just need to be themselves and not try to force their wants or their style of play on someone else.

As for a “Cash Grab”

Gimme a break…

Buy it or not. Then go to Mickey D’s with your girlfriend and spend more money than what the DLC cost on gas to get you there, burgers, fries, drinks and maybe an ice cream cone.

I’m tired of this utopian attitude that gamers have to have EVERYTHING for free.

Free doesn’t pay these company’s bills…nor the developer’s salaries…nor encourage new content.

It’s a business….and I dare say we get a damn good “deal” for our money in Borderlands. Hundreds and even thousands of hours of quality entertainment at a price so cheap that it makes you blush.

Yet we bitch like no tomorrow. Kills me.


Crashes consoles cuz too much loot. Then again a wet fart crashes BL3 on consoles.

Also, if it weren’t for the fact that this artifact exists to remedy an issue that the devs created by nerfing world drops several months ago, people wouldn’t be this upset. But nerfing world drops, and then creating a paid item that restores or exceeds the previous rates, is an underhanded way to get people to buy the DLC.