Anyone playing this on the Switch?

So I am a huge BL1 fan. I decided to pick this up on Switch when it was on sale. I have to say even not having very great controls on the Switch, I have to say that I am having a fun time. Has anyone else picked up the Switch version as well, if you have what is your opinion?

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I bought it in June 2020 without much prior knowledge and am hooked ever since. Yeah, Joy-Cons aren’t really great for this game (especially if they are drifting) and so I played mostly with the Pro Controller. The only minor complain I’ve had is that the game would usually crash after 7 or 8 save/quits. But other than that I really enjoyed it on the Switch and it was nice to play on the go.

In the end Bl1 was the reason to sell my Switch: After over 700 hours (and no intention to stop) it became very clear that I’m not playing other games any more. Now I’m playing on PC and besides better graphics/more fps the only difference I can tell is the speed of the racers in Knoxx DLC: they are way faster on PC and this makes the jump over the prison wall much easier. On the Switch I’ve found it next to impossible to get it done and I had to grenade jump over the wall.

I haven’t, but I was interested. I’ve recently been playing on the PS4, and decided to see how the switch version compares. I found out that it runs at 30 frames. Probably gonna stick with the PS4 and it’s 60 frames.