Hopping back in, MOZE edition

Hey guys,

Taking a break from my Zane to finish leveling my original character to 72, which is a lvl 57 moze right now.

I need a good generic skill tree - My old build used to run hex grenades and splash damage, but that was when iron bear sucked.

So, if anyone can drop a good moze skill tree via lootlemon it’d be much appreciated, as I said I’m lvl 57 so just need something I can level up in MH11 preferably. Thinking Iron Bear action skill is gonna be my best bet for damage, unless iron cub can perform as well.

based on that image I’m thinking blue and green is the way to go

There are many, MANY builds you can do on Moze nowadays…so here’s some resources:

MOZE META (A guide to maximizing her dmg):

BUILDS (Builds put together by forum users that are all powerful):

My personal favorite build for running and gunning:

Whatever you choose, good luck & have fun :ok_hand:


This is my current favourite, for a hybrid uRad build Focusing on corrosive weapons and a Soulrender.

Recommended guns include: flipper, needlegun, boogeyman, Soulrender, Kaoson. Plaguebearer, kickcharger.

I use a bloodletter for mobbing, but any class mod with at least an action skill damage roll will work.

This build will also let you use a revolter, or infernal wish shield, and keep uRad anoints. Recommend a bloodletter com if using the wish shield. Corrosive, Radiation or Incendiary Old God is also a good option.

As for artifacts, a good Pearl is always great, but probably gets beaten by any other with AOE and incendiary rolls. I like to change my weapon choices whenever I find a AOE and (weapon type) damage artifact. If you find a good company man