Taking a break from my Zane to finish leveling my original character to 72, which is a lvl 57 moze right now.
I need a good generic skill tree - My old build used to run hex grenades and splash damage, but that was when iron bear sucked.
So, if anyone can drop a good moze skill tree via lootlemon it’d be much appreciated, as I said I’m lvl 57 so just need something I can level up in MH11 preferably. Thinking Iron Bear action skill is gonna be my best bet for damage, unless iron cub can perform as well.
I use a bloodletter for mobbing, but any class mod with at least an action skill damage roll will work.
This build will also let you use a revolter, or infernal wish shield, and keep uRad anoints. Recommend a bloodletter com if using the wish shield. Corrosive, Radiation or Incendiary Old God is also a good option.
As for artifacts, a good Pearl is always great, but probably gets beaten by any other with AOE and incendiary rolls. I like to change my weapon choices whenever I find a AOE and (weapon type) damage artifact. If you find a good company man