Vault Hunter Concept: Isabis as the Technophile

Vault Hunter Concept: Isabis, the Technophile

Name: Isabis

Alias: The Technophile

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Background: Being born into a wealthy family meant that Isabis was a bit of a spoiled brat who was no stranger to the finer things in life. Unlike her siblings and parents, however, her concept of “finer things’’ involved the collection and frequent use of destructive weaponry inside her family’s very expensive turbomansion. Her parents eventually got sick of her ■■■■ and kicked her out, telling her not to come back until she “got her ■■■■ together”. Due to having a personal arsenal diverse and powerful enough to put most corporations to shame, she figured vault hunting would be a great way to put her toys to the test and possibly pick up some new ones along the way.

Action Skills

  • Temporal Bubble: Isabis activates a device that generates a Temporal Bubble at a location of her choosing. Enemies and projectiles within the bubble’s radius are slowed to a crawl.

  • Vortex Generator: Isabis throws out an experimental grenade that generates a singularity that slowly moves across the battlefield. Enemies caught in its radius are dragged along for the ride.

  • Make It Rain: Isabis scatters Loaded Bills across the battlefield, which will detonate upon coming in contact with an enemy. The more money Isabis has, the more Loaded Bills she scatters and the more damage they do.

Skill Trees

Dilation: Focused around Temporal abilities that manipulate the very fabric of time to devastate your enemies.

Congregation: Focused around submachine guns and the use of your Gadgets for utility, damage, and crowd control.

Heiress: Focused on constantly gaining and spending money, and making sure that everyone knows you’re the wealthiest person in the room.

Legendary COMs

Chaotic Chronologist

Spatial-Temporal Lock lasts for 13 seconds and activates all of Isabis’ Temporal abilities instead of making her invulnerable. Additionally, Isabis’ Time Spectre deals more damage.

Bonus Skill Points:

  • Temporal Flux
  • Temporal Stasis
  • Butterfly Effect

“Thought you could control everybody and everything, huh? Twist time around your fingers?”


Taking damage has a 25% chance to activate a gadget or action skill at random, even if it is on cooldown. Only up to 3 gadgets or actions skills can be activated in this manner at any given time. Gadgets and action skills activated in this manner have greatly increased effectiveness and duration.

Bonus Skill Points:

  • Void Siphon
  • Spray and Pray
  • Tools of Destruction

“There is no version of this where you come out on top.”


Using Loaded Bills when you have $25,000,000 or more will cause nearby enemies to be Awestruck. Awestruck enemies will attempt to pick up your Loaded Bills.

Bonus Skill Points:

  • Passive Income
  • Nouveau Riche
  • Capital Accumulation

“Some men, in the struggle to be rich, have lost their faith and caused themselves untold agonies.”

Previous Vault Hunter Concepts

Cael, the Avian
Ruth, the Veteran
Thorn, the Wayfarer
J-D17H, the Hive

Author's Note

Wow, that took way longer than I expected. There’s only one vault hunter left in this group, so fingers crossed I don’t take 6+ months to finish it.