OP Levels for Zero

Hey everyone, I recently started doing OP levels on my level 80 zero. I want to increase the challenge and try to solo end game raid bosses. I have heard that op10 is bugged and makes it basically impossible to kill some of the raid bosses solo. Is zero still able to kill the raid bosses on op10 on his own or is there a certain op level i should probably stop at? Thanks.


To the best of my knowledge only Dexiduous in the Hammerlock DLC has been mathematically proven to be unkillable solo at max OP levels (health regen vs. its crit spots re-growing).

Everyone else might be really really difficult, but do-able.

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Most of the raid folk were in the Time Trials

….which really got ruined by the OP8 to OP10 shift. Prior to, there was a lot of activity with OP8 gun and melee Zer0. Still, the leaderboard has a few good OP10 Zer0 raid kills.

The times are YT hyperlinks. Can’t promise those links are still good though.

I had no interest in OP10 so can’t speak to the increased difficulty and there really isn’t anyone still active here who is likely to. OP8 raids are very challenging but very achievable and Zer0 is one of the better equipped for it.

OP raids are pretty straightforward up to OP3, then damage reduction starts to kick in. By OP10, DR is like 70% or something? Pete is a great one to compare OP levels with since he’s so consistent and linear.