Does Flare Bonus Apply to Iron Cub AND Moze

A fella told me in a different thread that the Flare com’s bonus does not just apply on the action skill damage.

But also to Moze herself while as infantry while using IC.

If that is the case does that not render obsolete COM’s like the Blast Master and Green Monster that have to “work up” to max damage and have limitations…

Different damage formula maybe? The multiplicative thingy?

Inquiring minds want to know……

Yes it does apply to Moze and it’s V1 multiplicative damage. Blast Master ramps up to +100% splash damage but then you can keep that permanently as long as no reloads whether Cub is out or not. Believe Flare starts at the maximum 100% then winds down based on Cub’s fuel and doesn’t provide any bonus if he’s on cooldown or not deployed.

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I would think v1 multiplicative at say 50% would still be more desirable than 100% splash only.

But I have no clue.

I try to spec Iron Cub so that he is out virtually 90% of the time. But I understand there is a tradeoff…diminishing value vs possible constant splash bonus.

I guess I’m trying to evaluate that tradeoff…see if that 100% splash is worth more than say a 25%v1 multiplicative and where the tradeoff point is…if one…

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You should check out the legendary class mod tier list post to get lots of details about this plus all the class mods. It’s a great discussion.
There’s a play style aspect to it and I dare say situational.
Right now I run a green monster and with the way I play it is awesome. Also worth pointing out the wind up time mentioned in the thread is ok when it comes to the raid boss, as just one example. When Hemoverous actually spawns, he does not last long.


Flare Mod + a long-lasting Iron Cub is a great build, see here for an example build by Burnchn:

I use a slighty different build using more “Drowning in Brass” and less “Scorching RPM”. Almost too easy.

The special thing about such builds is that they try to keep Iron Cub out for as long as possible, so it must use as low fuel as possible. This is done here by equipping the Cub with only the bear fist. Like this the “eco cub” :slight_smile: doesn’t make much damage itself, but Moze gets the most Bonus from the Flare Mod. Additionally, with only the bear fist equipped Iron Cub is not able to “steal” the first Short Fuse shot when you try to one shot bosses.

What I like about this build apart from the Flare Mod: By using weapons and gear all with the same element you can get an extra 60% Gun damage because of “Harmonious Havoc”.

Other things to keep in mind: You need a Flare Mod without any points in “Stainless Steel Bear”. Also, SSB isn’t skilled at all. This is due to a bug, that - when using SSB - the Iron Cub fuel meter is already partly empty when starting up Iron Cub. So don’t use SSB at all! Also keep in mind, that the cooldown time is quite long so keep a lookout for Cooldown rate bonusses on gear, mods or artifacts or just keep fighting. :slight_smile: At least in those phases “Big Surplus” has its time to shine!

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