Laser-Sploder: Double-Penetrating vs non-DP?

For guns that come in double-shot variants there will be an extra projectile fired per shot.

What with the Laser-Sploder being a beam weapon, there’s no x2 to the beam, but I assumed that the periodic gyrojet projectiles would double-up in the DP variant.

However, whenever I’ve tested firing for prolonged periods (using Bottomless Mags Moze), I don’t notice there being any more projectiles in the DP versus the non-DP variants I have.

Is this an oversight in terms of the weapon’s design (e.g. like a Rough Rider spawning with an “On shield break” annointment), or am I missing something?

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Very good question, unfortunately I do not have the answer but I would like to know this.

I wish gear didn’t spawn with useless anointments, like the shield example you gave. Seems un-user friendly.

the way it works is that it should have 30% less base damage for 2x tick speed

does it have 2x tick speed? that i never tested because i can’t and i don care

but generally that is how x2 prefix works on bl3 -30% to base damage on card and twice as many projectiles or ticks for laser weapons

I feel like I’ve always heard that the non dp version was the one you wanted. I can’t remember where I’ve heard that though so take it with a grain of salt. Sorry I can’t straight up answer your question though. On a side note have you tried it with a wish shield?

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Wouldn’t it say x2 on the card’s damage then? I feel like it not saying x2 means it’s not ticking at twice the speed, but I don’t actually know.

That being said, I’ll test out if it ticks more often, though, I’m not 100% sure I’ll be able to notice it…

Usually Joltz or K1llerSix will recommend whether or not to get the DP version of a weapon, but neither of their Laser-Sploder videos makes recommendations, hence, my question here.

No, I don’t have one of those yet, but that’s a good idea for when I do get one eventually…

If I get on tonight I will test it and see. I feel like I’ve got a few laser sploders kicking around.

OK, I did a simple test on the Handsome Jack dummy and found that while the ticks appear at the same rate, the standard variant was doing 37-40K non-crit beam ticks (no projectiles) while the DP variant was doing 75-80K non-crit beam ticks (again, no projectiles).

So, apparently, the DP variant DOES do double damage, but for whatever reason it does not list it as x2 on the card. But this was just a simple test, so if someone has done anything more thorough and found a discrepancy, don’t leave us hangin’! :wink:

Anoinments got introduced just before M2.0 so it was somewhat a band-aid fix that they never bothered to actually flesh out properly. Add the mayhem weaponscaling (again, introduced in M2.0)

Rough rider is just one of many pieces that have wonky interaction with anoinments.

Said this over in general discussions (and then somebody derailed it because it wasn’t to vis liking)
In old mayhem these things weren’t really apparent. Problems like this would mean a few thousand points in damage difference. Throw i. Anoinments that double/triple the damage and the 1000% increase with weaponscaling those numbers rapidly increase a start to show how M2.0 did more harm then good. (not to start about how some modifiers make you do insane damage)

Hence why i’m all for removing weaponscaling and going back to old mayhem weapons (on top of taking a look at all the legendaries because there’s more weapons that have these problems)

Anointments were part of the game since launch. Some new ones were rolled out along the way but it wasn’t something that was introduced along with Mayhem 2.0

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Ok sorry got that wrong :sweat_smile:

I remember getting anointed gear somewhere the month before M2.0 :wink:

Never bothered with them before that :sweat_smile:

But even then i was surprised at how powerful they where

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Yeah anointed gear was way less common at the beginning IIRC. Finding the gun you wanted with any anointment was a treat. It was probably M2.0 that resulted in every item dropping with anointments.

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That was my misunderstanding :rofl:

Anoinments only dropped after you finished the story :blush: and like you said where pretty rare

M2.0 introduced 100% anoinments on M8

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