Best anoint for Guardian Angel Grenade Chucking?

What is the best anoint for a Guardian Angel for Grenade Chucking?




Do Tediore Throws somehow gain advantage from the 150% Grenade Damage Bonus anoint?

Or are we strictly back to Mag size and gun damage for Tediore to boost it’s explosion?

The 50% nerf to Tediore was horrific. I’m surprised more people aren’t bitching. Made a seldom used class even MORE seldom used….

Not good…

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Depends. Against random mobs, probably 300/90. Some bosses you might be better off against using U/rad because it’s more consistent.
So technically, both.


Angel provides 400% V2 damage, multiplying your damage by 5 times. This is additive with the 300/90 anointment. The 150% Grenade ASA anointment is a Grenade damage V2 and is additive to it as well (as is 25% OGT). So for single hit grenades like say Fastball or Tediore Chucks, 300/90 and URad will still be fairly competitive (though this would depend on class) - so URad is often preferred because it is less situational. For stuff like the Ghast Call or Pipe Bomb, URad should win fairly handily.

The 3x sticky grenade is a different beast altogether though, and for bosses with no immune phases (or regenerate to full each time like the Skag), 300/90 wins by a decent margin. This is because the sticky double-dips into all multiplicative bonuses - including V2. By comparison, URad more or less only adds to the final explosion, and thus is less impactful, esp if you have other splash/bonus element boosts.

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What is this Grenade? Not familiar?

I have a Roider Cloning Tracker that hits pretty hard and has the extra 20% Grenade Damage

It seems very good with 300/90

Also…there is a clear difference in 1/3 PtHP and a 3/3 PtHP

For health rebuilding it doesn’t make a hoot of difference really.

But for overall Grenade Damage with Tracker’s… it’s pretty evident.

regular non-unique purple grenade with 3 sticky parts on it. sticky parts give bonus damage when players hit an enemy directly with a grenade (thereby sticking it to them) and the x3 variant ends up giving a +200% damage bonus when stuck to enemies. I think tbjQuag has some videos using it on Fl4k and destroying everything


Thanks…will be on the lookout for one…are they manufacture specific?

Can be longbow, homing or lobbed.

Would think longbow or homing would be best to get the sticky for sure.

Am thinking about going to M10 and adding “More Than OK Boomer” For the extra 25% Grenade damage and unlimited Grenades.

Mix with “Healy Avenger”, “Drone Ranger”, and “Buddy System” or “Post Morten”

Then let the CMT or Light Speed orbs just kill any drones or extra spawned balls…whatever.

Course it may take all day of restarting to get those modifiers LOL

And it means going back to Mayhem 2.0 and all that nonsense….

And one thing I have found in testing is that if you can position yourself at extreme range with the guardian angel.

It really makes a difference!

If you are a “in your face type” The gun itself hits very hard but you just aren’t going to get that super additional Damage boost to Grenades unless at LONG range.

I mean nothing new here. Not a big revelation…but it does make a big difference and I thought worth mentioning

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For those of us who are slow - 300/90 on the guardian angel affects the grenade damage when you throw it? Or did i misread that entirely…

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Ha…you ain’t seen nothin’ …wait till your 67 then talk to me about old and slow…LOL

I still shoot good though….Arrrrrrrrmy training.

But yes to answer you. The anoint affects the damage on the gun and the special effect on the gun is thus affected as well.

Your base damage is increased up to 400% based on range…add this to 300/90 and it makes for a really hard first wallop from the Grenade if thrown from a long way away. Longer away…harder Grenades hit!

The perfect “Artillery Barrage Moze”

URad works really well too but you have to get your health down to below 50% with either a Deathless/Bloodletter build or 3/3 in Thin Red Line.

If you can pick up a high pellet Guardian Angel say 24 or 32 Pellets…….BONUS.

Second one I bought had 24 pellets. Hits like a truck once you get used to the super slow bullet speed.

Supposedly you can also use the Guardian Angel to quick swap….much like the old Flakker/Ahab trick or Sandhawk/Ladyfist trick. But I have not tried it.

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A Front Loader shield will do this as well.

So having used the Guardian Angel normally, I find it difficult to use with the slow pellets. I get the impression that its damage increase with range transfers to other weapons?

Did not realize that at all…great tip!

And yes…supposedly you can swap to transfer damage boost but I personally have not tried it.

It does - if you fire any rocket launcher with a slow travel speed projectile that releases mini projectiles with a Mindsweeper mod then quickly switch to the Guardian angel, it makes for some impressive damage figures - but at this point, which anoint is working for which gun XD
The downside is that you need to spec into Scrappy for the ultimate gun swap speed, and you dont get the reload ammo perk on the rocket launcher from splash because your swapping to the Angel for the dmg. Soooo i guess its swings and roundabouts o_O

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OK…new wrinkle…

A friend contacted me and said that he felt that the 300/90 anoint just does not work with Grenades. Said he tested on captain Truant and the increased damage was not showing up on first hit.

He said that URad definitely does work and I agree as it’s easy to see the results.

Then he suggested an interesting possibility that I have not tested.

200% damage while ASA.

He said we need to test that option as there is a possibility it would interact well with the Guardian Angel’s up to 400% additional damage .

And since I build to have Iron Cub out and active at least 85% of the time…

That perk would always be in effect and actually more consistent than 300/90 or even URad….

Does ASA 200% work with IC Damage as well?

I would hate to be wrong because I don’t want to be spreading false info but I thought the 200% damage ASA anoint only worked for a player’s guns being that it is additive to other basic gun damage buffs. unless I got one of those two points wrong and it isn’t generic gun damage, and/or it does affect grenades and other stuff like action skills.

but I’m pretty sure it just affects guns and that’s why it’s not considered an especially great anoint in many cases, cuz if it was a universal buff like uRad then it would be extremely valuable. but then again if ASA200 was a universal buff like uRad or Revolter nobody would use Sntnl cryo on Zane, so I don’t think it’s boosting the things we’re discussing

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Agree…seems gun damage only to gun.

Would help Tediore chucks but I’m not sure if it would be better than 300\90

Sorry to necro an old topic, but after the nerf, is 150/90 worth trying for a grenade chuck bossing build?

Urad + Frontloader works for me now but it feels like there are too many close calls because I give up healthgate for the damage.

I honestly don’t think so…. Even with all the buffs to grenades….quick switch to the Guardian Angel…the right anoint and the grenade perk on Mayhem 10….I could never muster enough DPS to be comfortable with a big Bossfight.

Now if you are talking mobbing, a good grenade build on Moze will absolutely wipe the map. And it’s fun as hell just artillery barraging everything!

But for bossing? I just don’t think so.

There is also some discussion whether that anoint even works well with grenades. Some say it’s the go to, others don’t.

I just don’t like it because survivability wise I am always tripping heathgate when I use that build /anoint.

But that is probably just my play style as other folks swear by it.