So, I know gearbox have said that they won’t make another vault hunter for BL3, because they aren’t popular enough, even though they’re some of the most popular characters and can carry entire DLCs each. So, basically gearbox doesn’t think they’ll make enough money from them, in reality, and a new character needs more work than other options, like an extra skill tree for existing characters.
BUT, the solution should be obvious - just cut corners, like they have with previous DLCs. Re-use assets and keep it simple. So, use an existing enemy type or NPC as the base model, and use existing voice lines (kinda like the doppelganger in TPS, except that that didn’t reuse everything). BINGO, costs saved. I guess they could also use some existing skills from other characters, but then we start getting into risky territory because why bother with a new character if they don’t add anything new? So, new action skill(s) and skill trees, but beyond that, keep it basic.
So, let’s get some ideas together for which characters/enemies we’d like to see used as DLC vault hunters. I know there’s someone on reddit demanding goliaths, so I’ll start with that. What do people think?
Name: David
Based on: Goliath enemies (preferably BL2 ones, as they looked cooler)
Action skill(s): Enrage - activating your action skill removes your helmet and powers you up. This has a long duration and a long cooldown, much like iron bear. Each skill tree has an adaption on this, which changes how the enrage skill works, and the skills trees are based on these alterations.
Heavyweight. While enraged, pressing the action skill button while enraged launches you into the air and slams down, doing a massive slam attack, with a cooldown. This triggers any slam effects, including slam relics. Skill tree focuses on slam attacks and splash damage.
Freight Train. While enraged, pressing the action skill button dashes forwards a short distance and slides a short distance, with a short cooldown. Hitting an enemy with this attack launches them backwards and into the air, dealing damage directly and bonus damage if they hit anything. Skill tree focuses on movement speed, sliding and melee damage.
Ascension. While enraged, killing enemies powers you up, increasing your damage and damage resistance. For each time you power up, your action skill duration runs out faster, though. Skill tree focuses on extending action skill duration and reducing cooldown, plus general buffs.
Simmering Rage. While enraged, you slowly gain power as you take damage, dealing more damage back in return. Skill tree focuses on regenerating health by dealing damage or lifesteal.
Name: Hermit
Based on: Nomad enemies
Action skill(s):
Defend. You gain a shield with three psycho midgets chained to it. You take no damage from in front during the action skill. Skill tree focuses on boosts to the shield and extending action skill duration.
Get 'Em. You release three psycho midgets that swarm towards a target, attacking furiously. Pressing the action skill button can redirect them to the enemy of your choice. Skill tree focuses on general buffs, which also affect the midgets.
Catch! You toss a suicide midget that bounces once and explodes, dealing heavy splash damage. Skill tree focuses on explosions/splash damage. Can gain multiple charges, as it’s an instant-use skill.
Look, a distraction! You release a loot midget which runs around the area, drawing aggro of all surrounding enemies. Once it takes enough damage or time runs out, it burrows away. Skill tree focuses on dealing extra damage to enemies not targeting you and long range attacks.