Drone is the future meta 😋

I see some tongue-in-cheek here, but what do you actually roll with on your Drones? I’m almost always Bad Dose and Static Field… been a minute since I used the offensive capabilities and had kind of forgotten about them. Drone hitting harder nowadays?

Drone with Boomsday can deal pretty decent damage. SNTL also permanently benefits from trick of the light which is neat.

Most of this builds damage does however seem to come from the Guardian Angel (which increases you damage against far away targets considerably) and the Re-Volter Shield.

I did improve on that.
Running bad dose and boomsday augments.
Trick of the light for added cryo.
Added action skill damage on class mod.

Added urad to my guardian angel shotgun although i couldn’t tell from photo mode whether it was added to my drone damage, was just a quick session last night to test a theory before bed.

I respecced and added Trick of the Light. :+1: