Not only is it broken on Moze who can get infinite fire rate with it but the 5 second barrier is basically a god mode with the ASS anointment - what’s the point of playing with something like this ?? I’d suggest removing the protective barrier, lowering the bonuses a little (from what I can gather it’s roughly +50% movement speed and fire rate ?) to maybe 35-40% and make them permanent/unconditional. Whatever the solution, something needs to be done about this shield as with the other two (Infernal Wish and Re-Volter).
is that something new?
new dlc drops
“who cares about 99% of the other gear? get the DLC and be OP”
apparently it has worked for the last 5 times so they will keep doing it because apparently people like it
There’s a difference in overpowered and downright game-breaking-stupid. They might as well give us cheat codes at this point. I get that this game is made by “everybody gets a medal” generation and the overall level of difficulty is designed for toddlers but these 3 new shields are just silly. What are all the rest of the shields even still doing in the game after DLC 5 ?
do you remember the stop-gap and amara fake grasping/fl4k rakk spam?
Stop gap is kinda the same.
No it isn’t, it doesn’t give you anointment-level damage. Think about this for a second, we have 3 shields that give you more damage then the best anointments in the game, srsly ??
it just makes you immortal
Infernal wish gives a maximum of %100 damage and is virtually useless with multi projectile guns like Flipper
It actually makes a lot of weapons which couldn’t compete with the meta previously - able to compete now.
Boogeyman can compete with coil. Virtually every 1-2 pellet gun previously that was on the cusp of being somewhat competitive - is now competitive and those like flipper and light show with multi pellets remain virtually unchanged
We still have other great shields. I can only speak for Moze but I have a madcap with 140k capacity that I would absolutely use on a deathless TRL build - I’m not because healthgate is vital - but I would
Like I was playing with Infernal Wish and that Vladof assault rifle with the grenade launcher - it was actually competitive for killing Ruiner and that thing is absolute garbage. It’s made SO many new possibilities of weapons to use that were previously crap previously. Combined with the company man artifact, so many outliers get boosted up
Op guns are still going to be OP but when you’re mobbing - one shotting for 50m damage or one shotting for 20m damage is exactly the same thing f
I’m sure somebody will correct me if I’m wrong but any unlisted projectiles will also get duplicated, so the flipper should just have double the pellet count
You’re right my mistake flipper does get doubled on unlisted projectiles. I was thinking light show
My point still stands though I am having a blast thinking of all the possibilities of infernal wish + company man that I want to try out
After several rounds of dmg buffs all across the board pretty much 90% of guns are viable now if you have the right com and artifact bonuses but that’s not the point. The point is that the 3 new shields invalidate the existance of pretty much every other shield in the game because they’re so broken. So much for build diversity.
%90 of guns are not viable with the correct anoint and build. This shield makes probably %25 of them more viable at the cost of shield viability. You can still rock your old OP weapons with any other shield and they will still be as OP
Dealing 100m damage and one shotting something is exactly the same as dealing 50m damage and one shorting it if all it has is 50m health
This changes virtually nothing for weapons that were already OP and only brings the floor up. Coil is still going to one burst every enemy in the game regardless of these shields
We’re playing two different games then.
Must be what you define as viable. Unloading 10 mags into a badass is not what I’d consider viable - which is the vast majority of guns
That’s what I’m saying, you’re playing a different game than me.
I think you have a very skewed idea of what “%90” of the guns in this game are
Ok dude
Upload a video killing an M11 badass with a shredifier, rowans, kings, lucians, flakker, bloom, woodblock, Krakatoa, septimus, lob, root or a thousand other guns I can’t think of off the top of my head and get back to me
Not to mention these shields also open up more diversity with artifacts so your only option isn’t pearl.
If anything build diversity is more now than ever possible
Wait this is the best list of ‘not-viable guns’ you can come up with? Come on, everything but the Woodblocker and maybe the Septimator Prime are perfectly viable at M10. In fact stuff like the Flakker, Lob, Root and Krakatoa are considered to be near top-tier options. I agree alot of non-uniques aren’t viable yet - but the majority of legendaries are pretty decent now after the several rounds of buffs.
The Pearl is a good option for any gun build, but its never been the only option, nor is it the top option for many of the meta builds in the game. Also not sure how the new shields affect Artifact diversity in the least.