Moze Vladof Build?

So I never made a Moze and today I decided to make one, I was going to focus on making a build that focuses on just pure gun damage and Vladof weapons on her because you know, ex-Vladof solider and stuff, but after reading some of the forums I notice that people barely go builds revolving around this idea, is it true that it is a underwhelming idea compare to her other builds? I mainly wanna go this build cause I personally don’t like Tourge weapons like that :confused:

I’d say if you’re looking to do a Vladof build, your best (splash) weapons are the Kickcharger and Backburner. There’s also the Light Show which is non-splash but the best option for ‘pure gun damage’ as you put it, so you might fare better doing a Bloodletter build with that.

I’ve tried a few Vladof allegiance builds in the past with Moze, the last one I did was one only with assault rifles. But it was a generic skill build that didn’t really stand out for anything other than it only featured Vladof ARs and all it proved is that despite Moze being the worst possible candidate to use it, the Monarch still rules over the others for DPS. Although I do have an (untested) idea regarding Moze’s potential with the Monarch, I might try it out some time soon.

I’ve never play this character and I’m still in the beginning of this run but I’ll be sure to experiment and try out these ideas when I get the chance :slight_smile:

miscreant, boom sickle, fasor

I know boom sickle has splash does the miscreant and the Fazor

miscreant has been an overpowered gun by definition. i dont know about now.
fasor has splash on alternate fire mode

X2 Ogre will do WORK!

Vladof Company Man
Ogre or Boom Sickle
Ion Cannon
Boogieman Sniper

All splash guns and all Vladof

You could probably make that work very nicely!

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Mr. Torgue might have something to say about that! :wink:


Brain Fart…

Best Vladof launcher?

Still the Ion Cannon??

Aside from the launchers I’ve had success with a Boom Sickle. My bloodletter class mod I found certainly helped!
I think now the opportunity is even better with the company man. The one I have will work great.
Happy to give you both items to test if you like as I’m having too much fun with the other builds.

The new kickcharger from arms race is a faster firing ion cannon with less ammo cost but no secondary explosion.

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Philistines, every one of 'em :stuck_out_tongue:

I run a Vladof allegiance Moze, and she’s one of my favorites. Mostly what I like is combining these weapons with her Bottomless Mags skills, and being able to fire those things for long periods of time without reloading. Vladof makes some hard hitting things, as mentioned above, but frankly the Leech pistol is one of my favorites with her.


I sometimes run with Vladof weapons only, other than what’s already mentioned here Boogeyman (sniper from Arms Race) and Dowsing Rod from dlc 3 are also reasonably effective weapons, but they are not something you want to take to do true guardian takedown or the new raid with

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Running Backburner, Ion Cannon and Super Shredifier with Company Man and Infernal Wish

Putting in work

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