Two commitment stacks cap

Now I have always known commitment was going to get nerfed but going from infinite stacks to just two seems kinda weak tbh I was thinking 5 stacks would be ok I really hope enemy’s do not feel like bullet sponges but we will have to wait and see maybe mayhem scaling will change.

bullet sponge? you can still kill enemies pretty quickly. Just did a run of proving ground, its not that bad as it appears. It is a little bad but not that bad. You should be more worried about how hard the enemy hits, seriously most of my run was spent getting a second wind. 28K shield and health gone in 3 hits just 3 hits. Gearbox really needs to fix the mayhem scaling, whats the point of nearly 30K shield if some random tink can destroy it with his mayhem 13 gun.

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Not quite sure what you are on about, enemies spawning with Mayhem Weapons got fixed ages ago. Plus, since we are talking Zane here, I think staying alive is really not particularily hard. 2 out of his 4 action skills improve his survivability (Clone Draws aggro and can be used to revive you with Old-U, Barrier explains itself), you get several skills with good health regen and most importantly, you get life steal with salvation.
I think you might wanna take a look at your build and see if maybe there’s some things that need changing because Zane is the 2nd most survivable character in the game, right after Moze in IB.


It’s not too bad, but if Commitment was your main damage skill, you’ll need to re-spec and make sure to grab the relevant skills from the blue tree because with the way Zane’s damage formula works, you need a few hundred percent gun damage to keep up and the only source of that is now Violent Momentum (combined with Violent Speed and Death Follows Close).

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Two stacks is the same as his other skills so it makes it consistent. I guess people will just need to get better weapons now to do decent damage… Being able to make even mediocre weapons raid worthy was likely never intended after all XD.

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The damage hit is considerable in comparison to when I was able to get 30+ commitment stacks, you do notice the difference since your enemies don’t melt nowhere nearly as fast, but Zane still has:

  • The ability to avoid most incoming damage thanks to Barrier
  • Lifesteal with a tier 2 skill, in comparison with Amara that needs to be all the way to tier 5 on her red tree
  • Amazing skill trees (blue + purple) with multiplicative damage formulas, crit bonuses and lots of gun damage thanks to Violent Momentum
  • An insane AI partner (Clone) that destroys the game if you give him a good weapon, even if he requires good investment to reach red tree’s capstone.
  • Crowd Control thanks to MNTIS spam and ASS shields (like Frozen Heart or Void Rift, for example)

Zane is still far from weak. He’s just not as faceroll tier as he was before and requires top gear to do top damage, as it should be.


You just need to boot the game to play it and realize Zane is still a dumb character cause Eraser and purple tree adding massive boost to his dps with blue. If I didn’t know about the hotfix today, I probably wouldn’t have been able to say there was a nerf.

Same with Moze. You can still one tap bosses with her.

Other than the change to commitment, were there other zane changes people have noticed? I’ve been playing with one of my Zane’s where I have zero skill points allocated to the purple tree (almost exclusively blue/red with a few in green). I don’t know if it’s b/c of the april fool’s thing where the clone is tiny, but he dies like every 5 seconds. I just did the maliwan takedown and he went down about 8 times and it was not due to him timing out–he just seemed to get destroyed. normally when I run the takedown he only goes down if I auto destruct him or on occasion if one of wotan’s barrages hits him.

He did seem weaker in terms of damage–it took me quite a bit longer to complete the takedown, but again I don’t know if it’s just today b/c of april fools. I also went to the splinterlands chop shop area to test him and there were times where it appeared he wasn’t even shooting.

I’ve noticed the Clone going down way more as well don’t know if it’s to do with Mayhem scaling being changed or the Clone killing himself with Splash damage since he’s so small but he gets one shot a lot now.

glad I’m not the only one noticing this. I did notice that if I keep him at a distance from enemies he stays up as long as he did before–so it must be something like the splash damage taking him out or enemies exploding around him.

I just hope the nerfing isn’t too bad–I suck at the game enough as it is. I couldn’t one shot things before the nerfs.

The game is not about micro managing everything, even without barrier i should be able to take at least take few shots. “Clone Draws aggro” have you actually played with clone in a while, if you did you would notice that most of the time it will kill it self be splash damage or die in 2-3 hits. “Barrier explains itself” should that be the only option for surviving, Just because they say Mayhem weapons got fixed doesn’t mean its completely fixed. If you have to play with some specific build just so you can play the game, there is something wrong.

The clone always used to kill itself with splash weapons. With April’s fool is likely easier, being closer to the ground, that clone hits itself’s surroundings with splash thus committing suicide.
I used to give clone a trevonator, example given. At normal size its shots would be at a height of 1,5 meters from the ground and in its mini size the shots are 20 centimeters from the ground = trevonators’ splash hits the clone; i gave him non self damaging weapons and it had no problems

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how is it weak? tell me exactly how much 5/5 two stacked values for cd and gun dmg from commitment are?

if you think that is a bad investment of 5 points look at the other skills and look back to the values again… i honestly never spammed and sitting at 8-10 stacks things died in nanoseconds i do not suppose going to two stacks somehow infinitely decreases my ttk

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I’d argue it depends on your build. I’d probably not take it for a full Clone&Drone, simply because the gun damage isn’t that major (for Zane, that is) and the CD is only really important if you are using MNTIS.

Then again, if you are going down purple for whatever reason, you are still gonna be putting points in there because maxing out Headman’s Hand isn’t quite enough and any of the other skills in the first two tiers aren’t all that valuable.

btw, ignoring the change to commitment, is the purple tree useful if you do not select the MNTIS cannon as an action skill and/or do not use the spy class mod? I don’t like the cannon (as a weapon it’s totally useless, even when playing through the story) and it often stops working (if I spam it too much it will cease to deploy unless I remove it as my action skill then re-select it or I save/quit) so if I could get some benefit out of the tree without using it, that would be preferred.

Definitely can. The tree itself is mostly accuracy/crit buffs and crit related skills.

cool. will need to give it a try–I’ve yet to use the purple tree at lvl 65.

Honestly, once I started watching my Commitment stacks in mobbing (first of all, you can only see your Commitment stacks on Xbone if you spec Commitment before other skills, because it seems to me that kill skills show up in the order spec’ed in the skill tree, for some reason), I noticed I was almost never getting Commitment stacks above 3-5, even if I am spamming MNTIS. So yeah, Commitment stacks theoretically were infinite, but even at 2 stacks, the skill still remains super-powerful and a must-have in Zane’s skill tree.

So I hadn’t figured that the adjustment to Commitment was going to change my Zane playstyle all that much.

It is still overwhelmingly cost effective at 2 stacks.
What makes the commitment broken is that this is placed in Tier 2.
It is placing a skill performance that would be placed in Tier 5 or 6 in a lower tier.
Well, Zane’s purple tree has so many tier 5/6 skills that it’s ridiculous to even talk about balance…
What makes the commitment even stranger is the class mod Spy.
If the Death Follows Close/Seein’ Red/spy kill skill bonus of 50% is combined with the spy commitment of 5 to make 10, the damage increase value is 60% per stack and 2 stacks makes 120%.
Before the update, that was something like 50 stacks, and GBX thought this would not break the balance, which is not funny for a gag.
To affirm this is no different than using a cheat.
The above assumes that you have commitment 5 skills, but it doesn’t matter if you have other skills, for example, because all spy skills are damage increasing.
Never before have all three skills of a class mod been damage up skills. Even the Seeing Dead knew what they were doing.

dumb question–what does Tier 2, 5, etc. mean?

At least the clone is back to normal size–his dying like crazy yesterday was due to april fools. didn’t really notice any change to the blue/red tree, though at times it seemed like the clone fire rate was slower or he didn’t fire (seemed to just stand around at times). but I passed the maliwan takedown in my normal 15 minutes and no FFYL so at least for me things seem the same as before the hotfix (not including purple tree where I have no points allocated).