Does the static charge get splash damage bonuses applied to its damage?
Does static charge damage count as normal damage for the groundbreaker melee interaction?
Since the W/E has been castrated I have changed over to the static charge, and it is doing great work against mobs. It does seem to struggle a little against single beefy targets though.
Check this for Static Charge formula [Guide] Melee / Face-puncher formulas and analysis
If you are addicted to Face Puncher, Static Charge is your best artifact for mobbing, and WE will still be your best artifact for bossing.
It does not get splash bonuses but elemental dmg bonuses.
It also does not get melee dmg bonuses directly but scales off of your melee dmg hit.
It builds towards Ground Breaker that you can release with your next melee dmg instance.
When you pair it with Punchbot you can even keep it for bosses. I never bothered to switch to W/E.
Yeah, I’ve tried punchbot. The splash passive is on the com. The SC has melee, cryo and something else, can’t remember, I’ll have to check. Goes well with a frozen heart or void rift (it’s KD btw).
So for my amara melee build would it be best not choosing skills that boost splash and concentrate on boosting the melee?
One point in Ebb and Flow is more than enough for healing. Overall increasing max health is not that useful, you may want to move points from Root to Rise skill to Clarity.