What's the most fun vault hunter to play?

My first character was Moze, played her until the end of DLC 1 when that came out. When DLC 2 came out, I was maining a clone and drone zane and played him through until DLC 4.
Since then I’ve started an amara and a fl4k but now have lost all interest in playing the game.

I’d like to hop back into it but I cannot, CANNOT be bothered to faff about with Zane anymore. I just hate the gameplay loop of moving super fast, activating drone and firing MNTIS cannon. The cannon just feels so weird to use on keyboard and mouse, definitely feel like it would feel “good” on console but pressing the side of my mouse to shoot that cannon just doesn’t feel right.
Moze, tried out iron cub on a new moze that I’ve started to level but kinda want to try something new.
So, who has the most fun gameplay loop AND the least confusing skill trees? I hate math so I hate doing it, looking annoints and % bonus’ and what does what-
I want the most accessible, powerful, and fun character.
I’m thinking I’m gonna end up with another moze build with some MIRV Hex grenades, though possibly with iron cub if that tree is even viable for solo end game content.
Fl4k is also looking like a nice choice, but the interactions with gamma and such kinda turn me off since I don’t understand em.
AFAIK, Amara is the most powerful but relies heavily on melee damage and elemental damage, so I’d have to be paying attention to different annoints related to these so I’m not too sure on how viable amara would be for an ape like me.

I main Amara… This is my current build which allows for many different gear combos.

You really do not need to worry about anointments with this build. But I always roll with a deathless artifact and urad on my weapons. Shield is up to you. The higher the capacity, the better, though.


Is the purple tree pretty useless then? I’ve seen it’s good for Zane but don’t think I’ve seen anyone else talk up the purple trees for the other vault hunters.

Amara’s purple tree has amazing splash dmg in the first tier and unwave the rainbow in second tier. Pair that with splash weapons, a frozen heart or its cousins frozen snowshoe and void rift with ASS and phasecast to trigger 250phcast, 100ase and splash 200as3.

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I don’t use, but it’s mainly geared toward melee damage… Which I don’t use. But like RobCheap said, you could use some splash damage from the purple tree.

What @RobCheap said. Amara with the two splash skills from the first two tiers of her purple tree, an ASS Frozen Heart, and ASE 200 splash weapons is quite fun, but you do not at all require 200 splash weapons. You do kind of need the ASS Frozen Heart though to make it work. I use TTB, but you could use the other action skills too in all likelihood.

So Amara is the most fun for y’all eh?

URad Stalker Fl4k for me…going invisible, choosing the right targets, then trying not to die (since you don’t have health gate and he’s frail already)

I love risk vs reward gameplay (I come from Doom, Quake, hard FPS games)…if that’s ur thing try Fl4k-boi


@thepersonwithaface Amara is not at all the most fun for me. She personally is probably my least-liked VH, but I was chiming in on what I have found to be a pretty fun playstyle for her.

I still get the most enjoyment out of Fl4k because there are multiple different playstyles.



• Plenty of damage to clear any content

• Lack of life steal forces a smarter gameplay and more reliance on gear synergy

• ACTUAL build diversity, between Rakk splash/URad, 3 shot Fade Away, GiTM and Gamma Burst/Red Fang there is a FL4K build for everybody

• Top notch voice acting and some of my favorite character dialog in BL3


What interactions are you wanting to know about?

Amara doesn’t rely on melee damage at all if you don’t willingly go down that route. Only on my very first playthrough I played her as a melee character. Elemental damage though, yeah that is much more substantial to Amara in general and highly encouraged to make use of.

I guess one of the reasons why I had the most fun with Amara was that she’s pretty straightforward. There’s not much faffing about with stuff like drones or invisibility, and no slowing down by using a mech. Yeah you can play other VH’s like that too but I just feel like in the case of Amara that’s her very nature.

She doesn’t have any gimmicks that draw aggression away from you (unless you use Glamour which almost nobody does afaik). That satisfies the narcissist in me, it’s all yo come at me bro. Baring your teeth and attack attack attack is kind of what made Amara fun to me.


I’ll give Fl4k another shot then. I kinda stopped playing him because I was using the rakk attack ability but something about these types of abilities (the ones you aim) just do not feel impactful on keyboard and mouse.
Is gamma burst viable to solo raids and such? Kinda liked the idea of having a giant beast just helping me along. Though I guess invisible fl4k could be cool too

Yes. I have completed all content in the game solo, Mayhem 10/11, with a Gamma Burst build that utilizes the Urad anointment, a Deathless artifact, the Red Fang, and the damage-sharing skills from the Master tree (Hive Mind and Shared Spirit). You cannot take advantage of ASEs, but you also really don’t need them because with the distraction of the Red Fang, you’re rarely targeted by the enemies, so you can use an amp shield if you want extra damage (but don’t necessarily need it).

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You cannot take advantage of ASEs

You can by using the “get one extra charge of rakk-attack” anointment exploit.

Only wanted to mention it as kinda addition. It’s not like GB intended it, but you can make use of it.

For me personal it’s not worth anyways, because you kinda waste one anointment.
By using the exploit you can make use of two ASEs (shield +nade) but be limited to the weapon anointment.

The real benefit, especially after GB messed up the ASAs like GB115,SNTNL100, Barrier,… , you can profit from frequently swapping weapons (which GB intended by their element matching system).

It’s up to everyone on their own to make use of this exploit, but I think you don’t gain an game-braking advantage and only a option to make use of even more gear.

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I honestly did not know that still existed, I assumed it had been patched out when they patched out the “fake-burst” mechanic. So I learned something today. :grinning:

Also wanted to point out to the OP that the Gamma Burst-specific radiation anoint is not working correctly at this time - same issue affecting the SNTL cryo anoint. Once you swap away from the weapon, you lose the benefit of the anoint.

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ah right, another reason I can’t be bothered to play zane anymore haha

URad is better anyway :wink:

I honestly did not know that still existed, I assumed it had been patched out when they patched out the “fake-burst” mechanic. So I learned something today. :grinning:

Hm haven’t played my GB-FL4K for a while, so I can’t guarantee it to work, but will test it today and will correct my posting if it’s not working any more.

I’m not sure how exactly they got rid of the Fake-Burst/Grasp. Especially as it only affected the ASEs, as you can still pre-stack Rush-Stacks with amara fake-grasping.

It doesn’t help guessing any further, I need to try it…

I’ll tell later on if it’s thing any more.

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release zane

right now fl4k in gamma or fade everything else is so braindead