Best Leveling to 65 Method?

Beat the story and unlocked the proving grounds and slaughter circles, currently level 55.

What’s the best enemy/area to farm from 55 to 65? What build do you recommend?

I’ve been running drone and mantis cannon with an executor mod, but just swapped over to drone and clone with a shockerator mod to farm the Billies.

Should I just throw on a boss build and kill graveward over and over? Give any boss/mobbing builds you like, ideally using base game gear since I’m saving DLCs for 65. I’m playing on Mayhem 11 as well

Can’t really help ya with the build, but fastest XP farms are Scraptrap and Trial of Fervor IMO.


I guess you don’t have any of the DLC’s, but that’s what I would recommend. I tried to save one for each cap increase and always got right to max cap before even halfway through the DLC. I went from 60 to 65 before killing evil Brick and Mord in DLC 4.

I would recommend going to M10 though as your exp is getting cut in half on 11.

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best method is just playing and enjoying the game.


The only thing to do in the game is get to level 65. After that, the only thing to do in the game is go get all new level 65 gear.

If there were any easy button to push to magically do either, it’d be a really short game! :wink:

things like the slaughter shafts and proving grounds (as well as something like the mailwan takedown) are the fastest but also the hardest. I find that going to areas like devil’s razor, the splinterlands and konrad’s hold can generate tons of XP quickly and it’s a bit more fun (if you’re on MH 10 clearing the entire map of enemies at devil’s razor can increase your level 2 or 3 levels).

I’d also recommend using the Borderlands Science station and buy the 25% XP boost and there are also a few artifacts that will give XP boosts. Using these boots in combo with the above farming areas made it quite easy to get to level 65 .

and as someone else already said–scraptrap if you have DLC 1–that really is the quickest, especially if you combine with the 25% XP boost.

The fastest if you have DLC and don’t mind starting it before you hit lv. 65 is the Scraptraps. If you are lacking DLC but you have a decently fast PC (this method probably isn’t viable on last gen consoles because of the load times) I recommend farming the mother of grogans in the anvil. Melee attacks are always guaranteed to one-hit her, meaning you just get yourself a facepuncher, crank your Mayhem level up to the max (I’m not sure if M10 has a higher xp bonus than M11) and then just go in, one-shot her, savequit, load back in, rinse and repeat.

The best method for levelling really depends on a few factors such as:

1: Do you mind just straight-up grinding the same thing over and over again?

2: Do you have DLC and if yes, do you want to start it before you’ve hit max level?

3: Do you want your xp farm to also be a source of useable gear? (in this case, go for the Scraptraps because they can drop the lucky 7 as well as the Seein’ Dead COM that you’ll want for Zane either way)

One alternative since you have DLC5 is of course to do Arms Race. You don’t have to worry about the difficulty outpacing you because the gear you are gonna be using is always randomized and scaled to enemy and mayhem level. I’m not sure how efficient it is for leveling overall, though.

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I hit 65 a few days ago, but want to thank you for your clear and concise answer! hopefully if others who need help leveling see this post they’ll look at your comment. I did want to clarify some things though!

  • M10 has way more (I think double?) the xp bonus as M11, not to mention more/better loot drops.
  • it does seem like scraptrap is great farming in DLC 1 (both XP wise and gear wise), but might be fairly difficult to do in M10 over M11
  • farming mother of grogons with facepuncher is probably one of the faster ways (even on console), but loot drops are lacking
  • I ended up going for graveward on my zane, and I’m suspecting there’s some bore-level shenanigans with the sawbar weapon and his Eraser skill in his purple tree that kills graveward in like 3 bullets when he puts his left fist on the ground
    *another good tip based off your comment is for grinding on bosses that have loot you want. especially for things like class mods and relics that don’t rely on leveling as much.
    *also, I think katagawa has some shenanigans with action skill damage as literally every action skill I’ve used on him one-shots him