Matchmaking WTF

How is it I cannot find a single player in matchmaking, let alone 3, when other games I play easily get 4 players in a solar map with like 300 nodes(warframe)? Don’t get it twisted they are very different games yet, the matchmaking is terrible in Bl3. I’ve often been matched with a mr3 player doing a side quest while looking for a MR 11 takedown or Arms Race. So if it is multilevel why is it so hard to find a single player sometimes??? Is it Ps4??


I think matchmaking eventually starts by trying to match you with people doing the same activity than you with the same Mayhem level, then eventually gives up and matches you with anyone it finds x)

I gave up on Matchmaking in this game. Not only is it bad, but Mayhem Levels made it worst +a lot of people also stopped playing. I usually stick around with people on discord, PSN, or whoever needs company


Frankly, I’m kinda pissed at the influencers that keep hyping these wack buffs and gameplay changes. None have given the game good endgame. None are worthwhile unless you’re really bored. How do developers not learn from their last game what keeps people coming back??? Give us worthwhile content! As much as Digistuctuct peak divided players it gave us something…


And FFS Raid bosses. In main game and Dlc. Just so much great content and art gone to waste due to poor direction and lackluster execution

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It’s been hit or miss for me as well,you might get someone who’s at a different mayhem when running the 2 different co-op modes and alot of people don’t run a game open to the public setting,the match making in the previous games worked better Imo,if you’re looking for someone to run M11 arms race
Just add me I’m on Ps4

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Yep, I was running arms race last night, thought I’d try matchmaking. Got no matches. Not a single person in North America was running arms race? Find that hard to believe.


Yep i can confirm it , i was spamming arms race on open to public yesterday, can’t believe the system didnt match us to run some >.< (always left my game open to public , never had ANYONE join no matter what i did)


For the most part it is, only since arms race dropped, many are being lumped into the same group due to having mayhem enabled. How the game decides which activity a player is doing is almost random - as some players do the missions with another active, players are matched to that.
Ive been matched with players doing takedowns more often when i searched for campaign : also, I’ve had the same issue where no-one joins my lobbies when set to public but always blamed it on my connection

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For what it’s worth, Borderlands 3 is not in the list of top 100 games being played on Steam.

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They should have just done a match browser like the other games. Maybe with ping, active mission, mayhem lvl, player lvl, player count, and playthrough displayed.

Give us the power to pick what we want to play, not this ■■■■■■ matchmaking that doesn’t work


Lol they still havnt fixxed this!? I quit this game a year ago for this reason.

Oh the list is pretty long on things GBX has yet to fix.


The only error in your post is using the word “yet”, which implies it will be fixed eventually. A more accurate statement would read:

“Oh the list is pretty long on things GBX has not fixed.”


I’ve kinda given up at this point, but thanks. If they introduce something new i’d be down

But… but… but, they told me they were looking into it and are aware of it but just can’t fix their game at this time.

Alas you are right though and I stand corrected.

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I can’t find a game period lol. Left it in matchmaking for takedowns yesterday for 2 hours while watching a movie - not a single game


Just for S&G, I played story missions today for several hours (2-3 consecutive) with my lobby set to open/public. I did not have one single player join my game. This is not the first time I have tried this - I don’t typically play with an open lobby, but every once in a while I try to do so, just to see what other folks are doing in the game and see how many folks are playing.

So the only possible conclusions I could reach are:

  1. People are playing BL3 and just didn’t want to join my game or play story missions (certainly possible);

  2. There are not many people playing BL3 on Xbone (likely); or

  3. People are playing BL3, but matchmaking is poor and people have a hard time connecting (also likely).

If either 2 or 3 are the reasons why it is hard to find a multiplayer match for basically a one year-old AAA game, it’s not a great sign for the game. Even in the heyday of BL2 (2012-2014 IMO), I almost never had any problem finding a game through Xbox Live. BL2 matchmaking didn’t work that well, but it does appear to have worked. I have had difficulty finding a random multiplayer lobby on Xbone since BL3’s inception.

There are a lot of problems with BL3, but this seems like one that could/should have been solved.

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One more option - people are playing BL3, but purely solo, thus ignoring multiplayer and matchmaking entirely.

I just never was interested in online play - it does not seem to add much for me. :man_shrugging:

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I intended that to be the first option I presented, but perhaps I could have said that more clearly. Yes, either people don’t want to or aren’t playing multiplayer. As I said, as for myself, I only very rarely play with an open lobby and do not play multiplayer that much at all. I am not a big fan of playing with randos, so unless I am playing with folks I already know (fewer and fewer of my friends are playing BL3 anyway), I don’t very often do multiplayer.

But assuming I did want to play multiplayer, let’s just say that the matchmaking appears to be janky at best.


last i knew lot stopped multiplayer as when you used to join most games people would use modded items which put people off multiplayer anyway who didnt like them then also quite lot of fanbase stopped playing including legit players also etc as it dropped 90%+ i think from when originally game launched of how many people played.