So, looking at the upcoming “mini-events”, here and it seems obvious what’s happened.
Gearbox finally realised arms race sucks and they’re trialling a bunch of changes to see what people like, (alongside the same thing in GTD) ahead of more permanent change.
As I have said in other threads even though I could be wrong but think that Arms Race tanked to be honest. Maybe they should of listened to their actual customer base that got them where they are.
I didn’t realise the qualifier for “trying out changes” was that the base game mode had to suck. Does that mean every game that ever gets a patch, or an improvement, originally sucked?
Arms Race is fine. Nothing mind-blowing, and very co-op dependent. I don’t get the need to demonise things just because someone personally dislikes a thing. You dislike it. It doesn’t have to be anything more than that!
The core difference for me is a developer experimenting with changes to a game mode doesn’t mean that the game mode as it stands factually sucks. It’s just player preference (which is likely why they’re trialling these things - to see the reaction from the playerbase as a whole, and not just an opinionated minority online).
Well now the opinionated minority are the people that are still active in the game and actively enjoying it. I think it’s fair to say the opinionated majority have moved on from borderlands 3, ala steam charts and a dying forum.
Nah, I still have only one time playing arms race and that was on release day. Went in, dropped into an underground section, enemies started spawning everywhere, murdercane came in, couldn’t see and couldn’t find my way out and haven’t played since. Not the best way to judge a game mode, should probably give it another chance but haven’t felt the desire so I’m pretty indifferent on arms race as a whole.
Then Valhalla came out and now cyberpunk has been keeping me busy.
I didn’t think I’d enjoy Arms Race, but I actually really like it. Different change of pace and a great way to get mayhem weapons without having to deal with modifiers and boosted enemy health/shields/armor (was able to jump from M7 to M10 super quick). One thing I liked about it, is it forced you to try out all different types of weapons that you wouldn’t normally used. My go to weapons in there are Maliwan weapons (pistols and Terminators rock, SMG’s are ok), Tediore to chuck at badasses, Hyperion/Jacobs shotguns to deal with spider ants, COV to deal with all types of enemies.
If I had one dislike about it, it seemed a lot of the same legendaries would drop (I’ve seen SO MANY Woodblockers).
Also I should note that I’ve only ever done Arms Race solo. This gives me time to look at the map and map out the route I want to take to red chests/arms drops.
Edit: How could I forget about DAHL weapons. They really shine in Arms Race. DAHL is my favorite manufacturer in BL3 when I hated them in previous BL games.
I didnt think i wouldve liked Arms Race … felt battle royale like and i really hate those
But compared to farming a specific boss(jackbot for exmaple) which you do there once , reload game after each kill … or farming waves after waves in those 3 cistern of slaughter areas …
About the event … week 1 and 3 looks fun but wth is it with week 2 … did anyone ever run out of extraction slots ? 0.o Week 1 and 3 just seems like fun tweaks to get better drop chances .
EDIT: Oh and no zane mantis cannon spam bug fix ? Like really ? Q.Q