I know the title is super hyperbolic, but hear me out. I’m honestly trying to find a single other skill tree that’s as bad as Fl4k’s purple tree.
I would rate a skill tree using three questions:
Is it fun?
Is it powerful?
Does it create an interesting/new build?
I think we can almost all agree that the purple tree fails in all three categories. The skills within it are all very generic, with even the capstone just doubling your shield. The action skill is also just not that fun, as its unsatisfying and way less, well, fun then the other three. Obviously fun is subjective, so I’ll move on from this one. You can feel free to disagree with this one.
The purple tree is, objectively, not powerful at all. Yes, if you want to abuse a nova shield or fuzzy math, you can abuse the ■■■■ out of them. But I wouldn’t really classify that as the entire tree being powerful, just because it interacts well with a few random items. Fuzzy math is, to be fair, an incredible skill, but the rest of the tree is so weak that spending almost half your skill points for it is not worth it in most scenerios. Overall I think it’s an incredibly weak tree, even in normal mode. At least the loader bot is super powerful, but that’s more due to terrible mayhem scaling then anything.
Finally, interesting/new builds. I would argue that, as a pet build already existed before, that the tree does not introduce a new playstyle. Yes, it makes the pet build more powerful, but once again it requires abusing very specific items like the Faulty Star and Hunter Seeker. The pet on it’s own is just not that good. I would argue that this one fails too.
Now, looping back to my title. Is there a single worse skill tree in all of Borderlands? Hellborn krieg is pretty weak, especially compared to his other trees, and especially considering it requires moxxi weapons. Still, it creates a completely new build, which is more then can be said with this tree. Salvadors third survivability tree is pretty terrible in most respects, but at least the top half of it is powerful-ish. Bus that can’t slow down is also really fun. This might be one of the worst trees from a fun perspective though. Gaiges shock tree is also super terrible from a strength perspective, arguably the weakest skill tree ever, but at least it’s a new build. Pretty much all of Axton’s skill trees are equally bad, which I could definitely see an argument for one of them being the worse. Aurelia’s co-op tree is terrible, but it’s super unique which I can definitely respect. Finally, Nisha’s law and order tree is also pretty terrible, but it’s at least pretty interesting.
So, what do you all think? Any skills trees that are worse then Fl4k’s purple one?