I mean the main complaint right or not, about bl2 was that more legendaries weren’t usable , if bl3 is in a state where nearly every legendary is able to clear top content I see no reason to be upset about that.
That just means you could use whatever you want.
and honestly with high enough bar I could use whatever the heck i wanted with my build on bl2, a friend of mine has an entire krieg build that’s just a firehawk a lvl 15 blue shotgun and him standing still.
the lack of replay-ability based purely on things that bl2 has that this game doesn’t is: raid bosses, better dedicated farming experience, a story that doesn’t make you cringe/rage, more player agency/control, a more open map design; that’s about it really.
You could say better balanced progression between difficulty modes, but I’m pretty sure most have adapted to mayhem by now, so that’s not really it.
Purely honest the core game play is fun and good, i think the problem is a combination of all the stacking disappointment from the perceived constant failings of the dev team, as well as a feeling of lack of reward for playing.
Wwhen i quit dedicated drops were absolutely broken, no point farming because getting the right drop was next to impossible, I’ve heard that’s improved somewhat, but still no where near where it should be because there are too many factors to overcome and nothing to mitigate the rng ( i.e. element & anoint reroll/choice).
And then there’s all the forced refarm, when you finally get the perfect gear or a good setup, it would either get nerfed or a new game mode/event would drop, or a tiny lvl increase just enough to make your effort feel worthless but not enough to be able to really do something with the skill points.
So you’re constantly thrust back into that un-optimized farming experience which was just frustrating time wasted instead of actually playing the game.
Which like i mentioned early undermines player agency, fostering the feeling that what you did in the game wasn’t up to you, but instead dictated by whatever crap would be thrown on your head next by game organizers.
I’m not trying to throw hate on the dev team, I’m just trying to say that the differences between bl2 and bl3 aren’t that great, and that i believe that the issue of this game not reaching the same level aside from the differences I mentioned first, has more to do with how this game was managed, than any concrete points of difference between the 2.