so what concerns me here is
“no skills at all”
every VH will be the same? no action skills, no synergies between skills and gear?
sounds a bit lame in the long run
like, its cool to use green and blue gear
but what do i care what i find if my character is just a bland fortnite character?
I was about to make one but you already did
I have the same question. The only difference is what? The VH model?
- I am on the same field as with cheaters and modders because they can’t bring their guns
- Every gear matters (well that’s because you got NO CHOICE lol)
- New loot
- My long hours of gameplay are worthless because of no Guardian Ranks
- No Skills
No wonder they disabled mods on M11. Imagine running M10 without your VH skills.
In theory shouldn’t Moze rule this mode because by default she is the GUNNER class?
Flak can’t use pets
Amara can melee but she needs a melee gun
Zane probably second best?
its just not fun to find specific gear when the gear is again only about damage numbers because you character doesnt have any direction
I’m kinda disappointed that skills are out of the window. Thats kinda stupid. What sounds immensely more frustrating though, is the damn thing will have a time limit. I friggin HATE time limits. Especially in a game of exploration and looting. Like…WTF?
I was hoping I can showcase the 4th skill tree in Arms Race mode but it turns out it’s only usable in the main content. BUT WHY!
Yes… a storm is blowing in and it forces you to move from place to place and finally the end. Time limit is 23-25 min according to the Dev.
What no skills, period?
I like the idea of a back to basics gauntlet, but what distinguishes Borderlands from other similar games are the crazy things you can do with skills.
Is this a round about solution to the out of control overinflated Mayhem scaling of action skill damage?
The Dev specified no action skills, no skills from trees, no pets, guardian ranks…no nothing. Just you and the guns you find
what cocnerns me is that this game has no core lol difference between holding regular gun and holding a buffed leggendary will be ~300 500% lol if you find any decent gun by chance it will be piss. completely don get this mode no skills available? dude what game is this
Plus side is return of Axton and Salvador…kinda
They narrate the mode
oh yeah man fantastic with all the arcade movement system in place it is bound to be delight
That the price point for the pass is $30 makes it a little more interesting to me.
Arms Race feels Like Digistruct peak on a level playing field as far as loadouts. It removed the RPG element from the game. But it lets you take the loot and levels back into the game.
It’s essentially a way to level boost characters without being bothered with the campaign.
If they let you skip finishing NVHM if you level cap a character in Arms Race, that would be nice.