Just interested in people’s opinions on some Fl4k things. Please feel free to discuss or simply reply with your choices.
1.Best Pet?
2.Best Skill Tree?
3. Best Skill?
4. Best Class Mod?
The following ones are more subjective, feel free to use your own personal bias. Pertaining to Fl4k…
5. Best Grenade Mod?
6. Best Weapon?
7. Best Shield?
8. Best Anointment
And just some bonus stuff.
9. Favorite Head?
10. Favorite Skin?
11. Favorite Voiceline?
1.Worst Pet?
2.Worst Skill Tree?
3. Worst Skill?
4. Worst Class Mod?
The following ones are more subjective, feel free to use your own personal bias. Pertaining to Fl4k…
5. Worst Anointment
And just some bonus stuff.
6. Least Favorite Head?
7. Least Favorite Skin?
8. Least Favorite Voiceline?
Please let me know your opinions.