I’ve played Moze before nerf and 60 lvl with Hex + Flakker build. Now I heard about the nerf and level cap is hugher. I wonder if this build is still viable? On what skills should I spend skill tree points after 50 lvl? Are there any builds which are drastically better?
Not sure how viable that still is, here is a solid list by the best in the biz.
Hex isn’t really the to-go option for Moze anymore since it does no longer work with Vampyr (the grenade you are instead looking for is a Cloning Maddening Tracker which is a tad annoying because there’s no reliable way of obtaining one, it’s a random roll that has very low chances to actually drop).
Flakker is still usable, but for from being considered a top tier option, particularily since Moze is more about mag size increases than reloads.
I never said you can’t make a build around it at all, just that it’s no longer what you would generally consider “meta”.
If you are on PC, I have a few spare Cloning Maddening Tracker grenades. Both are ASE anointed. One with Cryo the other with Corrosion.
Sure. I agree. I thought it might be helpful to point out that the Hex still has its uses because OP mentioned it and they’re easier to obtain.