Moze M10 build for every content
Auto Bear splash damage build that can face anything
Don’t feel like hopping into iron bear at all?
Don’t feel like killing anything yourself?
Or just want someone fighting by your side while wrecking some foes?
I got you
With the consecutive hits anointment you won’t ever need to trigger Iron Bear if you don’t want to.
Auto Bear will destroy everything in it’s path on days where you don’t wanna shoot a gun yourself.
The 130 incendiary while Auto Bear anointment is perfect for shredding your enemies together.
Skill Tree
For the green tree we’re picking up everything that helps Iron Bear and Moze deal more damage till unlocking Specialist Bear, to get enough damage for Auto Bear.
Blue tree goes down all the way to short fuse, to ensure moze can deal enough damage on her own with the right weapons, while still picking um as much Iron Bear supportive skills as possible. We won’t use deadlines as Auto Bear doesn’t use fuel at its momentary state and the reason i kept out TCP, is because Auto Bear will kill himself when having splash augments equipped and facing enemies that are too close to him.
The red tree gets anything left to increase Mozes damage, but also to unlock the Corrosive Sabot Round Augment for Iron Bear so he can easily take on armored bosses as well.
Class Mod
Rocketeer is the way to go, could be switched out for a Mindsweeper for bossing or a Raging Bear for fun. Rocketeer is the only one you really need tho.
Arfifact is up to your preferences, i like to use the otto idol to give me some more sustain, altough its not necessary
The Frozen Snowshoe is fun for mobbing and the Stop gap is good for bossing
There are maaany weapons that work great with this build:
Complex Root
Bubble blaster
Unkempt Harold
and more, pretty much anything splash can be good with this build
Classic CMT with OGT
Rocketeer and 130 Incendiary anoint used for all those videos.
Auto Bear Valkyrie skip
Graveward kill M10
General Traunt Oneshot M10
Auto Bear vs Captain Traunt M10
12:32 Maliwan TTD AUTO BEAR ONLY
49:11 Guardian TTD AUTO BEAR ONLY