Hi all, anyone else going nuts with 50-100 save and quits trying to farm specific items, and if you total them all up it’s beyond insane,why have they not increases RNG by now. They went insane for drops on BL3. I love BL3 game play but the story drove me back to BL2. Wish we could have loot drops in BL2 that would come close to some degree like they have in BL3.
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Of course it’s easy to get a legendary in BL3 but there are far more variables so for end-game farming I’d actually say BL3 is the more frustrating game.
Certain guns though - Conference Call is a perfect example - are just pointless farming because of drop rates (in this case part of a large pool), preferred element (and not the non-elemental that is most likely) and required parts (vertical grip accessory and matching grip).
As above, there’s little incentive for them to do any further tweaking since the game has little traffic currently which is a tragedy.
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