Elemental Gaige Build (OP 10, UCP 5.0.3)

Hello everyone, I have been tinkering a pretty good bit with Gaige on the UCP recently and decided to post the build that got me to OP 10 and has given me great results outside of it as well. The build is focused on elemental damage and deathtrap with some Anarchy sprinkled in of course. The UCP’s buffs to Deathtrap’s melee damage scaling along with buffs to some of the 1 point abilities (One, Two, Boom, The Stare, Etc.) gives him greatly increased viability and damage. This build is also applicable outside of the UCP but a lot of the gear I use in the video will not be as viable. I won’t go into too much detail about the build here since my video explains it pretty well.

However, here is the skill tree for those of you uninterested in watching the video (Note that the BL2 skill tree does not have the UCP changes!): https://bl2skills.com/mechromancer.html#500150150551550155151511410150100000

Any feedback is welcome and I can post a condensed list of the gear here if people would prefer to read the text post instead of watching the video. Thanks for checking this out and have a nice day! Credit to this post for giving me a base idea for the build: [Build] Shock and AAARRRGGG (Requires UCP 3.1)


Really nice to see someone is still doing bl2 guides and especially for the UCP … one question: would the Kitten be viable with your build? I miss some “heal” weapon for close quarters and the Slowhand … well it’s a double bladed sword :wink:

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Yea, I still love this game and especially the UCP! The Kitten should be just fine… I haven’t done extensive testing with it but I could upload a vid of me using it with the build if you want. The shock Hail is also incredible for the build. Either should work just fine!

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Yes - that would be awesome :wink: Maybe you could add some tips how to use the hail with anarchy, 'cause i have pretty big trouble to hit something with it … i know the bullets fly upwards from where you aim - but i miss MANY of them even with close enough

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Not a problem at all! I am sure some other people would be interested in that as well. I will do a video where I use the Kitten and the Hail. The Hail is a love/hate for most people. Honestly, most people don’t like it… the spread is really hard to get used to and a little clunky. I will record some gameplay soon but with the hail I try to get really close and just let the Moxxi healing do the work while I melt them.

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Here is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgGmF8pTw3s

Hope it helps!

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